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Somewhat new and cough like no other............

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KeneticSight, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Alright well this is my first post im basicly a lurker.........

    anyways i have asthma and have a cough all year round basicly (it seems). Well ive been blazing since the summer. Everytime i smoke i cant even take a full hit i feel like such a pussy cus i have to cough it out. it feels like it it drys out my lungs and when i exhale there is a mediocre amount of smoke coming out.

    Yesterday i decided to put some ice in my bong to see if it would help. It helped a little bit but i cant even take a good hit yet like i cant even clear it and this bong is like one of those small pom bottles.

    anyways i was wondering if my lungs will ever get accustomed to the smoke since i have asthma idk if it will adapt.

    Also should i like clear the whole bong and try to hold it in? or should i just take really tiny hits?

  2. If I was in your shoes i would just say fuck smoking all together. You have three choices realy if it bothers you a great deal to smoke then the best choice would probably be to make edibles. If that does not work for you you could try a vaporizer but understand that the vapor inhaled is still hot and will irritate your lungs although not as bad as smoking. Thirdly you could just say fuck pot alltogether it can be a great thing but might just not be for you.

  3. Yo you just gotta get a Vaporizer. Basically just weed turned into vapor and no cough, no smell, so its pretty baller. I recommend the Vapor Brothers. Best investment I ever made, saves bud too .2 and pretty much buzzed .5 and your blasted.
  4. hmmmmmmm idk i like smoking though...... and im way to lazy to make edibles.

    im thinking if i take massive rips maybe my lungs will get accustomed to the dryness and i wont cough?
  5. vaporizer will help a whole lot.
  6. I was in your same shoes also as I to have asthma (although it's not as bad as yours sounds) and just started smoking over the summer although I smoked alot over the summer and alot now but now my lungs have gotten accustumed to the smoke an I don't cough alot any more. Hope this helped good luck
  7. hey thanks that was the answer i was looking for :)

    and thanks for the replies guys

  8. edibles are your BEST bet. When i smoke out of my volcano, the first couple of bags are very very smooth, no cough at all. Towards the middle of the bowl, its starts getting thicker, anything thicker than air in the lungs WILL make you cough. What you should look into is ways to make your smoke session a lot more pure. Use bees line instead of a lighter, or a glo rod, try edibles, or even try making your own.
  9. well are you a cigarette smoker??? if not and your new to smoking then by smoking out of a bong which means large volumes of smoke, is going to cause you to cough... dont take large hits take little small hit by not letting the bong fill will smoke when you start to see it get white then stop and inhale it your not going to be able to milk the bong like other people if you new because the smoke is going to irritate your throat and lungs causing coughing
  10. well, your in a shitty spot. you have couple choices, make edibles, get a vaporizer or tell everyone to suck it if they dont like how you smoke. its not about who can hit that shit the hardest, just as long as you are getting high thats all that matter. i have been smoking for over 2 years and everyday bymyself i am always taking smaller hit just cause i would rather not have my lungs feel like shit. since your using a bong, just take small enough hits to where you can clear it completely.
  11. I have asthma too, you don't just get used to it, you gotta ease yourself into taking larger hits. I normally pack a bowl I can clear in one hit in my bong, if you can't clear a bowl big enough to get you high, hit a few of them. If you think you can take a larger bowl than the last one try it. If you smoke everyday increase the size of your bowls every 2-3 sessions until you can take enough smoke.

    Keep your inhaler with you if your asthma is bad.

  12. i have asthma and bongs are the only thing that dont make me cough. but also my asthma is not that sever
  13. #13 Prime8, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    Like most people here have said try edibles.

    Otherwise gotta ease into it. I nearly coughed up a lung my first few months smoking and I don't even have athsma.

    I did however start to realise that I was pushing myself too fast too early and needed to let my lungs adjust. I'd started out on a glass pipe my bro gave me and my mistake was trying to take in too much smoke, sucking in too hard, too fast. The heat would burn the back of my throat and I couldn't handle the smoke. I'd also figured out that a lot of the coughing was because I was sucking on the thing too hard and pulling in ash as well as smoke. I realised that I just needed to take smaller slower drags and it helped immensly. Small sips basically where all I would blow out was whispy barely visable smoke. After that it was just a matter of slowly being able to take in more and more smoke as my lungs got used to it. I got practiced after a few weeks at taking in just enough smoke to push my current limits, where I would begin to feel that itch at the back of my throat and then I would stop. Keep pushing little by little slowly. And a lot of the times it was harder breathing out the smoke than it was breathing it in, I had to keep reminding myself to release the smoke slowly as well. Slow in slow out.

    It really did help me to just take it slow and easy and with enough time you adjust. No reason to push it otherwise you're just irratating your lungs over and over without giving them proper time to recover, they're only going to become more sensitive. Take a few days to a week off if you must, let your lungs recover, and then try moving forward slower. Take a break any time you feel it's needed. You'll come back stronger if you let your body recover instead of continuously pushing its limits in my opinion.
  14. asthma sucks dick,i hate it,i always have my inhaler on me, but i love mary jane man so quitting isn't an option at the moment,once i move out though,im definitely getting a vaporizer, you should too

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