hi all just checked on my plants today and have found something strange in couple of my buds in them is like a root shape very pale shoot somit i cant get a decent pic of these or wud post some my plants are now 5 and a half weeks into flowering does anyone have an idea what these are Cheers
no its not like a banana shape these plants are well into flowering about 2-3 weeks and they will be ready it is like a little root/shoot coming through the centre of the bud here is a few pics best pic quality i could get cheers
The pictures do not do any justice. Could be a possible hermie. Might not be. A good picture will tell.
If it looks like a yellow banana, thats a male flower (hermie). Typically this is not what a male pollen sack looks like but this is what happens sometimes. I have had it happen 2 times in my numerous grows, loooks like a very mini banana sticking out..... you may find maybe Just 1 or 2 on the entire tree, simply pluck it off. I would not call it a Hermie coz its not, jsut something very wierd that happens on certain strains. Mine happened on a French Skunk, both times, never had it on any other strain so far. But your fine, just plug it off with a tweezers, most likely you will find a seed or 2 in that general area where that was after drying.