something needs to change

Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. thats because its not against "the law" law this and law that. There are all these "laws" to keep all the sheep together in a herd. We are a stock of cattle to the government. Almost slaves if you will... if you think about we are slaves to the government.

    In my country if you buy a house and you find precious stones or strike oil it doesn't belong to you it belongs to the government? What does that have to say... They make it near impossible to live of the grid because "this law says that and this law and that law, break this law and the man will come and take you away" the only "laws" that really exist are those of physics.
  2. If those teachers weren't such assholes, then the experience of being poor doesn't necessarily have to suck.

    I mean, being poor doesn't have to suck, if only people were nicer.

  3. Where do you live?
  4. New Zealand
  5. would a cap on the income fix this problem?

    correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't that just be like similar to communism or socialism tho?
  6. #46 GGrass, Nov 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2011

    I sure hope so too.

    He lived with a single mother who worked at the market, as a helping hand at various shops that needed extra hands.

    Wanna hear more about the time I had with this guy?


    There were three of us.

    Me, this poor guy, and another guy from a rich family.

    The three of us were very close. Did everything together.

    The poor guy taught us how to make money by collecting bottles and selling them at 'Recycle centers'. We must've collected at least a thousand bottles...

    And he taught me how to eat stuff that seemed unedible.

    Like, stuff from the trees and stuff from the ground.

    And there was one time, when he asked me if we could play at my house.

    So far, I've never taken him to my house because at the time, we didn't have a house, we lived in someone else's house. We rented one room from three room apartment, and four of us lived in one room. (Me, my two brothers, and my mom. At the time, my father was away, he went to Thailand to make money.)

    So I didn't want to take anyone to my house because... well, obviously it was embarrassing for me.

    But when he asked me if we could play at my house, I said,

    "Sure man."

    And we went to "my" house.

    And at "my" house, he saw that it wasn't really "my" house, but someone else's house.

    We entered the house, and the house owner lady was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV. She was very young, newly wed, and pregnant at the time.

    "Hello, m'am."

    I greeted her.

    "I brought a friend from school. Is that OK?"

    "Sure, that's fine."

    The lady said.

    And then we went into my room, which was empty at the time because my brothers haven't returned from school, and my mom had gone outside.

    Once I closed the door, my friend asked me,

    "Who is that lady?"

    And I told him,

    "She's the owner of the house. We just rented one room, and my mom and my brothers live in this room."

    And my friend said,

    "No way! You are lying! She's your auntie, right?"

    And I said,

    "No. For real. It's not our house, we just rented one room, that's all."

    To let you (Royk) know what it meant to live in a rented room like this, it meant we were poor. And my friend never thought I was poor.

    But on that day, he found out that we lived in a rented room, and he felt kind of... comradery from me.

    That day, we played in our rented room, and when it got dark, he went home.

    The next day, he asked me,

    "Hey, you wanna come to my house to play?"

    And I said,

    "Sure man. Let's go."

    Until that day, I have not been to his house either.

    And when we got to his house, he too was living in a rented house.

    But much smaller and cheaper than ours...

    He opened everything to me, and told me that his father was gone, and his mother worked at the market as a daily labour.

    I told him that my father was gone too, but he went Thailand and sent money every month.

    We then became... very close.

    That was 27 years ago. We were 9 years old.

    Now we are 36 years old.

    I hope he's still alive and someday I hope to see him again.

    And... I hope the next time we meet, he has his own house.
  7. #47 darksmoker, Nov 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2011
    pretty intense story up there....^^^

    i dont have anything to that extent, i was forced to live in my car for a few weeks but then my parents took me in again [after i got off the drugs and alcohol]...crazy times though.

    i almost want to join the occupy protest here in little rock.

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