Something for stumbleupon users

Discussion in 'General' started by MrLanky, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. Hey just wanted to say something to all the stumbleupon users. I'm sure you might do this already but anytime you see a news article about decriminalizing marijuana just thumbs up it and as many as possible. I'm sure it happens to some extent but but I think if you get more articles like that on stumble then it may help to spread the world a little. Just a thought since stumble upon can really dictate how quickly info spreads.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the thumbs are just used to guage what you personally like. So if you give it a thumbs up it will maybe show more of that type or use tags or keywords or something to show you more like it. I don't know, I'm not sure exactly what the thumbs do, come to think of it.
  3. I think that is the deal though. I remember hardly coming across marijuana related sites before I thumbed a few. Now I get multiple pages a day. Many of which are threads of this site. Gotta love stumble.

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