Someone tell me to go out and do my run.

Discussion in 'General' started by Foniac, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. In the past three weeks I've been doing about a mile and a half run everyday. I've only missed my run about three times thus far.

    I just feel so tired today. But I ate a big dinner right before I went to bed last night, so I pretty much need to get out and go run.

    I'm plateauing also. I've lost about 20 lbs, but I'm slowing down.

    Someone motivate me.
  2. DO IT! Go run now! Just think how great it will be to sit down once you're done!
  3. Motivation from me would probably consist of physical violence of some type... and I'm not nearly close enough to have it be effective.
  4. If you dont go do your run, RIGHT NOW, i am going to do everything in my power to have your lazy sorry ass banned from this site. Is that enough motivation? :D
  5. If you dont, I'll take you to the dead sea, rip off all your fingernails and toenails then proceed to place your digits in the very saltine sea.
  6. get out there man!RUN, YA LAZY ASS!
    You just need someone to run at you with an axe oir sumthin.
    :mad:<--person with>:eek::bolt:
  7. Go Out And Run You Lazy Bastard!:)
  8. that you've plateaued, you're going to start getting fat again... but hey, it's up to you
  9. Keep it up man! Its rough to keep a steady running schedule when you first start out it took me like a month before I was dedicated to it, its ok to take a day off every now and again, personally I run Monday - Friday and give myself the weekend to be lazy :D

    Now get out there! :bolt:
  10. Go out and do your run.
  11. did ya?

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