if someone you kne wfound your spot and fucke dup you rplants, woudl you conside rthis grounds for fucking THEM up.
Personally, I wouldn't touch the person/s. I'd let karma take care of business for me but then again, I grow in my backyard and don't have to walk for kilometers to reach my plants.
ive just had this problem, a so called mate has stolen one of my plants. when i find him he will lose some fingers i say fuck them up and make sure they dont talk
i'd have some "guido's"take care of it n leave them wondering why they got beat. create my own carma for them...
[quote name='fisher1986']ive just had this problem, a so called mate has stolen one of my plants. when i find him he will lose some fingers /quote] That´s asking for a lot of time in a Spanish jail. You wouldn´t like that. Don´t be so stupid as to ruin your life for one fucking plant.
It's one plant. That isn't anything to do time over. If I get that carried away with my growing, i feel it has turned from a hobby into a buisness and it ain't all that. I got better things to do then spend anytime in the jails in my country. I would rather be put to death cause a lot of people go in walking and go out in a box. Prison is very hard on a person here.
you'd probably get a death sentence there anyway and regarding my problem im going to get the lithuanians to help me out for a price. i know it was only 1 plant but its the principle of it. plus he's a right cheeky bastard and he needs whats coming to him.
if someone touches your plant, create your carma for them...dont get involved personally though. or just lay back for a while and let them forget about it, then beat them down and make them think about why they just got beat down
if someone even took a little 2 week old seedling from me id bash there fukn head in, i wouldent kill them or send them home crying id just send them to the hospital