Someone chopped my plants - any chance to re-root

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Russ d, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. Honey, your posts have been completely schizophrenic!!
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  2. I'm the type of person that doesn't give 2 shits about what you think. Just more city folk that don't understand.......honey
  3. Consider this; a person living in a state or province where retail cannabis sale is legal through government regulated channels. It's a tax generating source. However, unregulated cultivation for personal use remains prohibited. However, as recent reports have shown, there's a glut of legal smoke on the market - prices have been steadily going down. Couple that with subversive smart-alecks who think they can buck the system. Those who are dependent on tax revenue - for public employee pension funds, fer instance.
    Well, that could provide an alliance motive - both for cannabis retailers and government enforcement agencies
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  4. Names not Nancy and just because you had a bad idea doesn't mean you can just say it was a joke and not look stupid. Calling names also just makes you look stupid. You could have just said you didn't know that, or even agreed that it was a bad suggestion on your part. Either way I was just letting it be known what happens when people follow bad advice can have long term consequences. This forum I believe is for helping each other learn with facts, not making jokes that some people will not understand and may take seriously or literally. Just sayin.. Anyways have a good one and it's all good. We're the plants of yours that got chopped the big ass ones from the nor call roll call post that you posted? That's shitty man sorry that happened I would be upset as well. Take care..
  5. Nevermind Shasta I just read again and realized it Dashiell your plants that for chopped.
  6. Sugar, I grew up in the woods on a gravel road.
    Granted, you might have a real purty mouth, but your posts on this thread have been completely contradictory!
    It is entertaining all-the-same. That whole - "I got a gun, so don't you mess with me or my family" rhetoric. It's almost as hilarious as the people who drive around with a standard mounted on their beat-up Toyota 4x4 pick ups flying an American flag!
    Takes all kinds....
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Not really but your are entitled to your own opinion I suppose. He made perfect sense and went out of his way to elaborate several times what he was trying to say. Anyone that does not understand this common sense logical way of thinking worries me and at the same time makes me wonder how you made it this far in life. We learn about boundaries and personal space quite young, like even before school. I guess some people are just getting lucky and getting by with some screwed up ideas that put you in the running for a Darwin award. No offense though and may your keep getting lucky many more times in your journey.
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  8. Until you and your friends get caught planting on someone else's property such as his (or anyone else really for that matter) , then I bet it's not so funny to you when you are trying to get away without dropping any of the body parts that just got blown off. Jk can't we all just agree to disagree. We can't all be right obviously and not everyone has the same idea or opinions or common sense. Ok ima stop now. Must be time to smoke a joint..
  9. I have no doubt his nonsensical posts make perfect sense to you! wit.
  10. See, you two are just alike. First, take a seemingly intractable stance - advocating some kind of white-trash back woods, justice at-the-barrel-of-a-gun, then capitulate.
    You just did it in your reply. Totally schizophrenic!!
    Gotta love them wacky Californians! si, amigo?
    Too much fun!!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. And yet I still dont care. Owning hundreds of acres as an adult and being a kid sucking on mommas titty is 2 totally different things.

    I never contradicted myself once....I will protect what's mine. Enjoy your city life have a good day ..... sour puss
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  12. I'm not from the city but I find it hilarious that you hurl that as an insult! Good day to you. I think I may use the ignore feature for you as most of your posts have been ignorant and obtrusive. Peace country boy
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Okay, this has been fun, but it's time to get back to the real world....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. #54 killset, Sep 1, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
    I dont think it's an insult. Just a different life. Oh no I'm scared of the ignore feature from the guy who cant shut his I'll show you how that works since you think it's an insult
  15. Not me.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. It's not a big deal guys..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Not sure why my life gets these 2 so butt hurt but its hilarious... lol I guess jealously is a bitch
  18. Will the plants grow back?
  19. We're all supposed to be adults here, so I hope that those of you that continue posting in this thread can carry on a conversation without being disrespectful to one another.

    Let's get this thread back on track please.
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