
Discussion in 'General' started by Mogwai, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Sometimes I'll be out on a walk and listening to music on a summer twilight and I catch a slight breeze and the temperature is just perfect. I get a rush of nostalgia that doesn't just take me back to a single time but multiple times all at once, if that makes sense. It reminds me of so many places, things, moods, and people. I don't know what it is but something about that feeling is just fucking awesome. Way better than any drug I've ever done... and I do quite like getting fucked up. It's neat because I can switch to an old song that I used to listen to during a period of time when I was younger and it the combination of that feeling and the song realllly take me back. I feel like I'm back at the age I was when that song was big for me. I don't just have memories of things but I feel as if I could go home and resume the life I was living back then. It's really weird and very powerful. It's fun as fuck and I love the feeling a lot, but there's always some bittersweet sadness to it. As content as I feel at that time it's still almost mildly depressing.

    It's only at that time though that I really think and comprehend the fact that someday I will look back at the current time and find it incredibly bittersweet. When I was a kid and when I was a teenager, I never felt like I'd look back and think "those were the fuckin' days" but I do every now and then when I think about it. Even though I do that I just hardly ever think that I'll look back at the times I'm living in now and feel that same "those were the goddamn days man" type thing.. I mean based on how things work so far, I know I probably will.. but I just don't FEEL like I will, y'know? Except when I'm out walking and the temperature is right and the time of the day is right and my mood is right.. That's the only time I comprehend it and think "I'm living in the good ol' days right now. Someday I'm really gonna miss this shit and I'll be willing to give up a lot to do it again".. For some reason feeling that hits me pretty hard in some way I can't really describe.

    Does anybody else get that feeling when the settings are just right? What settings does it take to put you in such a mood, if any? Or do I just sound crazy and people can always "feel" that they'll someday look back and miss it. And don't say "man, I'm going through shitty times, I definitely wont miss this" because you fuckin' will. I've had sad shit happen, lost family members, and all that shit that sucks.. and I still can look back and miss those times. I feel like that might be inevitable
  2. Its called feeling happy.

    You love it soo much because you most likely have it soldemly? As do I. Embrace it while you can, as it does not last long.
  3. It's definitely not happiness. I know what happiness feels like and this is just different. I can't really explain it well though. Sometimes I feel so good that I feel content but when compared to what I detailed above, it's not content-ness when compared to the feeling above. I mean yeah I feel great out on a walk in the right settings but I feel like it's more of something outside of happiness and sadness.
  4. haha i bet you listen to music on purpose during certain times so later on you can listen to the same song and be transported to that time eh?

    i do that all the time ha
  5. Yeah man for sure. Sometimes I'll play a song that puts me in a great mood and reminds me of great times.. And sometimes I'll play a song that I know is going to make me some type of sad because it's so strongly connected to certain people who aren't in my life anymore and that I still miss quite a lot. I don't really get depressed or anything and it doesn't kill the mood or anything like that, and even though it gets me down in a little way it's still very enjoyable.

    Music in general just has a habit of taking me back.. There are certain songs that even though they're great I just avoid listening to them because of memories attached. Every now and then I listen to them and use em as a time machine though, but I only bring myself to do it once or twice a year.
  6. Yea man I know exactly what you mean some songs just take me back to the good old days. Even movie and especially songs in movies make me feel like this for example 'Lords of Downtown' the whole movie puts me in the mood your explaining lol its so random

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