(some what long)worst night of my life...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by igotthatsalad, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. i found out that my mom might have cancer... like i dont wanna cry cause i dont wanna scare my little sister. i think my mom being a stoner may have pro longed this with the recreational use of marijuana:D hehe. but like i know for a fact that we cant afford the treatments... and so does she... we were about to move into her house and leave my dad before this happened but that would put her in an even worse financial situation. but on another note hospitals HAVE to treat you if you walk in right? idk wat to do. i had alotta the same things she has when i was younger. like stomach problems and stuff and i recently found a rather large bruise on my arm. its starting to go away though... but even if i do have cancer im not getting the treatments. i just dont like the way cancer patients look i know its horrible to say but i just idk im afraid to look bad like honestly its like a phobia for me no joke. im not the best lookin white boy but if i was bald i wouldnt be able to pull off the look idk....
  2. damn dude you really opened up there, i wish only the best for you, your mom, and your family
  3. well thank you
    i figured where best to open up rather than a bunch of people who you dont have to see so they never feel like awkward around you sorry for the slight buzz kill there
    and the same for you and your family
  4. I would answer with the cliche, "wish you the best", but I know that will not do this situation justice. I guess the best I can say is, "be strong for your mom and family". I do not mean to be insensitive, but someone has to be the backbone for your mom and sister...
  5. If your leaving your father, Im guessing your the man in the family now? Best of luck, and be strong, your sister is looking up to you. It's alot of responsibility, but you can pull it off :)
  6. Man I'd at least try to get treatment some how if I got cancer. I heard dying of cancer is pretty painful.

  7. nice...real nice, dumbass...

    Heres some helpful info:

    Yes your mom can do a walk in acceptance and they will most likely run a few tests but you will get billed no matter what the outcome is (life or death, fucking american health system!!). Usually they wont take walkins without insurance unless they are really badly hurt or need ER help right away. My suggestion would be to look for neighborhood support, Church groups, Local orangizations, etc. It is sometimes surprising to see how much other strangers do care. Personally im not religious but churches do play a good role with illness and helping families in need, as well a sound advice on what to do next. Most importantly i would suggest your whole family sits down, mother, father, you, sister, and you all talk about it and put the options on the table. Not sure if you have spoken to your mom about it but she might not even want to put herself through treatment anyways (which can be painful as well, and does not always succeed). I know this is a tough time because i have lost family to cancer myself. The best suggestion i can make to you right now, is get clean (can't believe im saying it myself), get closer with your family, and enjoy ever minute you have with your family and try and make a good role model for you sister. I know that sounds like the weight of the world, and unfair. Sadly yes it is going to be rough and your going to hate the responsibility, but when you sister is older and you both have kids she will thank you for it someday, and even if not you will know you did the right thing. Nothing can make life better then doing the right thing and knowing you did it. Best of luck bro and my prayers/wishes are with your family.

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