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Some tips for my GF

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MorganFreeman, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. A cold bong for smooth hits; her lungs are going to be senesitive.

    So hopefully harsh hits will not be the reason she does not get high.
  2. I did not like weed at first because i was smoking with a bunch of old stoners and i would get sooo blown i didnt know where i was who i was couldnt remember anything
  3. Let her hit a couple of times and wait a while then ask if she wants some more

    Easing her into it the best way to make sure she does it again. But make sure she gets high enough so it doesn't take her by surprise when she sits in on a real session.
  4. Ahh this brings me back to my first time, i miss that. The first time i got high i smoked 2 joints and a pipe bowl. That was crazy, it was what i was not expecting and i was so high then i could barely see and the high lasted so much longer then it does these days. But all i recommend is to stay at one joint at the most and stay around her most of the time.

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