Some strawberry cheesecake for ya.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Kcvancouver420, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. #1 Kcvancouver420, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    Germd 8 seeds in Sept , those seeds obtained from plant I harvest in June that I grew from single strawberry cheesecake seed found in bag from dispensery. 5 survive seedling 2 more die before leaving me with 3 female plants.2 phenotypes 2 9 finger leaf one 7 finger leaf
    Under 600watts hps 250watt cfl

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  2. #2 Kcvancouver420, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    Fresh pics
    11days into flowering

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  3. Some various shots throughout vegetation

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  4. Just purchased a blue planet Green CFL light bulb, I've heard it is OK to shine green light on plants during dark cycle, if u have to spay them or somthin. . Has anybody tried this? I would apreataite advice from somebody who knows before I try myself. Thank you !
  5. I had a green light on my phone I used. Hahat
    Problem is how can you really know. The plants don't like ask you to leave them alone when you wake them.

    But I'm here to watch. I got a 600w also so I'm curious to see the outcome
  6. Yeah you can definitely expose them to green light during the darn period, they reflect most of that spectrum so it won't affect them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. Today is feeding day so I took a walk down to my local pet store and purchased various filters that attached to half inch tube, after trying various charcoal and mesh filter combinations a basic yellow sponge filter work the best.
  9. Does any body out there in GC kno of a way to prevent windows fogging up in the room where I keep my tent. I run my lights at night and my foggy windows seem out of place, I can crack my window an inch or 2 and it helps a little bit but any more and it looks like I'm venting dryer exhaust LOL I'm in Canada so its cold needless to say
  10. About to start second week of veg

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  11. strawberry cheesecake sounds bangin
    heavy indica, better prepare yourself :laughing:  that shit is potent. little bit goes a long way :hippie:
    i'll definitely be checkin back in ;)
  12. Yea man the plant I got the original seed from was amazing, I harvested it last summer with some Afghani and it was good but this time around I plan on making it great ,I really want to meet my expectations that I have from the original growers plant lol
  13. Fresh pics Nov 28th

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  14. I have grown few of the heavyweight strains STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE and have never been never been let down, they are a great strain and have always gone over a lb. The ones ya have going look great, keep up the good work.
  15. Dec 4th my girls are putting on weight :)

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  16. girls are look'n great, still under the 600 watt HPS and 250 cfl? The plants look extremely healthy what ya feeding them and what light schedule you running them on?
  17. I fed an active organic insect /worm casting/molasses, brew I'm now feeding big bud PK and budcandy magnesium still under 600hps and 250cfl but another 250 cfl will b deliverd within the week , and lights are on a 12/12 schedule
    Thanks bro !
  18. Down to two plants :-( my personal favorite turnd out hermy so I had to chop it last weekend. My canopy is now more even on the up side, the hermy was also largest due to an early growth spurt.
  19. Hermy:-(

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  20. Ouch, i know that feelin, was it stressed or genetics?

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