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some north jersey Lemon diesel and jack frost

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by mcpuffin, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    jack frost
  2. Sweet. It'd be awesome if I could reach in through my screen and grab a few nugs. Unfortunately that is not the case. Looks great though. Enjoy!
  3. shit looks real tasty. nice buds :smoking:
  4. looks like some straight fire.
  5. that lemon diesel looks potent. That jack frost however looks like some pot o gold i had not too long ago. looks good though, nice pickup sir
  6. i can dig it lemme hit that ive had jack frost never lemon diesel though...sour diesel
  7. Hmm, I have that same batch of Jack Frost. You wouldn't happen to be around Bergen County would you? Just picked it up from my connect that got 13p's of it.

  8. i go to school down in bergen but i picked this up in warren. who knows, my dude probably got it from the same guy haha

    and thanks everyone, it was tasty as hell. especially the diesel. :smoking:
  9. So did it taste like..sour diesel+ citrusy lemon??? :bongin:

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