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Some lemon kush and some mid

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by fairy boots, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Of course to some of you guys it's all mid.

    The lemon kush makes me seriously freak out though. It's the stuff on the right. The left is the mid.


    This is the mid close up.


    The rest is lemon kush, supposedly.


    Happy toking. :smoke:
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  2. Lemon Kush looks good, mids look pretty decent too. Nice pickup!
  3. thanks, I don't know if it's because it's a new strain but my tolerance is way low with the lemon kush. It's really easy for me to get too high from not a lot of it. A little goes a long way.
  4. very nice buds.
  5. Looks good!How much did it cost you?
  6. I bet all that shit is smokin :smoking:
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  7. the lemon kush was 500 an O and the mid was 220 a 1/2. I'm sure this is waaay expensive for you guys but it's always like that around here.
  8. fuuuuuuuck man that's awful pricing, nice bud though
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  9. My motherfucking god :[
  10. Those aren't mids. That's mid shelf dank. You know, not the dankest, but still fucking bomb. $220 for a half ounce isn't a total ripoff in my opinion. Sometimes if you want the best/one step below the best it's going to cost you. Everybody isn't connected and that's just how it is. Personally I would rather pay $220 for that half ounce of flame than $170 for a half of inproperly grown/handled nug. My health and my weed are more important to me than $50... So if you have to cough up a little extra cash for the top of the line bud, do it.

    As for the $500 ounce, hey man, if you really like the bud and it's the dankest shit you've smoked in a while, and you just want to keep puffing it for the taste alone I'd say it was worth it. Money's just money, I don't see why people get all fired up about prices. Yeah, he paid $500 for an ounce and you paid $300. That's because you're connected and he isn't. Get over it... Anyway, chances are that $500 ounce is going to be danker than a lot of the stuff you get for $300. There's dank bud and then there's REAL dank that's perfect in every way, and if you don't the grower you pay for it... :cool:

  11. 220 a half @WDEO what is this world comming to. im in the 828 too usually pay 45-60 for a half of some mids

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