Some kind of syrup

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by binkey, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. Ok so I was in my medicine cabinet and I found a bottle of codiene syrup that I was perscibed a couple of years ago and I was wondering if it was good to lace blunts with it has codiene and Some weird ingredient that starts with a g somthing like guseuse maybe sorry for the terrible spelling but if anyone knows what this stuff is I would really apreceiate it.
  2. if its guafistein then its bad news, that stuff makes lots of people spill their guts. As far as lacing your blunt with syrup, good luck lol. The amount of codiene is proboally like 20mg which is nothing, not to mention you would waste a blunt. Just use it as cough syrup.
  3. Let me guess its guaifenesin, if it is, don't take it.

    The stuff with the g will make you sick, don't take it, you need the stuff with the P, Promethazine.

    "Many medical preparations contain ingredients (such as guaifenesin) which cause nausea and vomiting at high doses. These preparations are intended to make it harder to use these drugs for fun and to keep people from accidentally overdosing."
  4. sip dat lean yo
  5. [​IMG]
  6. #6 Nematoad, Mar 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
  7. Nah, man...

  8. if its prometh you should proboally just make some trying to get some for ever.

  9. Actually, I have injected incredible amounts of Guaifenisen and never upchucked, it all depends on the person.
  10. ya you could drink it an get fucked up with out getting sick for most ppl it takes alot to get sick,

    also lacing it in a blunt would be a stupid idea

  11. bro, i hope to god you meant to write INGESTED not INJECTED. imagine booting robo? no thanks.

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