
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Purple-Urple, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Is it best to put the seeds in a unfertilized soil or can you put them in the fox farm ocean soil during the seedling and veg stage?
  2. I really need a reply. My plants are in some potting mix i found in the garage my sister had and it has fertilizer in it. Do i need to switch it out with just regular soil becaause my seedlings are 1 week old and they already look like the have some fert burn with the tips curled up and the tips yellowing. Need reply quick pleasee.....
  3. hey man i would suggest supersoil you can get it at home depot or anywhere they sell gardening supplies. i used that with some peralite to aerate the soil and that worked great for me for about 2 years until i went to rockwool. and i'll never go back
  4. could i get another person to reply that knows if it will hurt the seedling if you use soil with fertilizer in it. They seem to be doing fine right now but the tips of the leaves are turning a little yellow.
  5. I have read that seeds don't need fertilizing until well after they've grown their second set of true leaves. I have only germinated one seed so far and I had it sprouting in a keg cup full of seed starting mix. It is a very fine blend of sphagnum moss and soil. When I repotted the seedling (after it had grown a few sets of leaves and I could see little roots at the drain holes) I put it into a pot with a mix of garden soil (dirt from the garden) composted manure and sphagnum moss and sprinkled about a half cap-full of 20-20-20 continuous release fertilizer on it (Osmokote).
    I don't know that potting soil with fertilizer will hurt a newly sprouted plant, but most gardeners advise against it.

  6. Unfamiliar with the exact amount of nutes in foxfarm soil. I do know however that if the nute levels are too high your seedlings are unlikely to ever break through the soil and die. Your better off getting some plain(un ferted) soil/compost and use like 1 part perlite to 3 parts soil then start feeding them when they grow a bit and need it. Also instead of putting the beans right into the soil, germinate them before they go into pots then plant them as little seedling.
  7. Hey,

    I've heard nothing but great things from soil growers using Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil. Next time I try soil, I'm going with Fox Farms Oceans Forest. I believe you might want to put some cal/mag+ with it as a precaution. From experience, soils with time-released ferts kill will burn and kill your plants, you might have that soil from what I've read. Change soil, or go hydro. You might be under/over watering, too.
  8. yo check my thread, I used fox farm ocean and i dont recommend it for seedlings. I made some mistakes overwatering a little but check out the seedlings. all i did was put them in FF ocean and water them and look at them!!! the soil is hot and has nutes in it. a seedling contains all the nutrients it needs for the first few weeks so i would reccomend planting in nutrient free soil. my next grow i will definitely start my seedlings off in such a grow medium. But I AM a newbie so dont necesarrily take my advice. i think im right on this point tho lol.

    ps thread is in absolute newbies under "absolute newbie's absolute first time" I have two seedlings that are 4 days out of the soil and ive only watered them once. and it STILL seems to have stunted the growth and the new growth looks yellow - check the thread!!!
  9. i have been reading this forum for months now i didnt really find a specific answer to soil during the sprouting stage.

    But now i have changed my seedlings into some regular soil and they seem to be doing very nice. They are at a week and 1 day old and have 2 pairs of leaves. I think that it could have been the magnesium deficiency because tthe blend was not set proper before and could have been alittle old.

    Thx for all the replys
  10. start them in jiffy pots too I guess tho I hear bad things about them too, and also u can get sunshine mix #4 I believe its called got that tip from VTEC. Im still trying to find the perfect medium for seedlings for the first month. peace in the middle east.
  11. YES IT WILL!!!

    Started 7 newly germed seeds in late March in FF Ocean and it burned the shit out of all my plants.
    My girls survived, but it was serious nute burn.

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