Soil Problem

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by DatkidGROW, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. After about 8 hours after watering my soil is not very loose, is this a problem? Lol sorry I'm a new grower so I'm uneasy about everything
  2. Thick soil isn't the best substrate for your plants but isn't necessarily harmful. It depends on how dense it is. The thicker it is, the less air gets to the roots, especially when wet.

    When creating a soil mix, use gritty substances like Perlite or Pumice to increase drainage and loosen the soil. Worm Castings also help to break up an otherwise thick soil mix.
  3. I have organic potting soil is that ok?

  4. Being organic is okay. Being potting soil is okay. If there's anything not okay about it, I'm not aware of it.
  5. Great, what would you recommend for next grow season? I heard people have a bunch of recipes. do you have at least a good recipe you know?

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