I will be starting my second batch of soil here soon, and I noticed with my first batch that I seemed to be running out of "gas" shortly into flowering. My plants have been the healthiest and heartiest plants I've ever had since I started mixing my own soil, but I've noticed a lot more "yellowing" in flower than I usually encounter. So here my new mix, and I'm hoping to get some feed back from you guys on what additions/subtractions that you suggest. 50%peat moss 25% homemade compost/ local worm castings 25% aeration (lava rocks+perlite) To each CUBIC foot: 3 cups Glacial rock Dust 1/2 cup Alfalfa meal 1/2 cup Kelp Meal 1/2 cup Crab meal 1/2 cup Neem seed meal 1/4 cup Oyster Shell flour Any and all feedback is appreciated! Boro
G'day boro I'm new to all this so I've got a question, why so much rock dust? I'm a bit kelp mad at the moment so I'd probably double up on that Oz
Boro, My mix is identical to yours, except what the above poster mentioned. I went full cup kelp meal.. Oh, and I ordered the BioAg Mycorhizae, also. Can't tell you my results yet, as this is my first time mixing my own. (and it's still cooking) But, sounds like we came to the same conclusion as far as our research on soil mixes goes. I'm awaiting replies from your post as well, since we're pretty much in the same boat. Best of luck, man!
Looks good enough boro. Consdier adding some gypsum for Su and additional Ca. What size container are you putting that in? That might be good enough for a 3g container. I'm also curious why so long on the rock dust at the expense of perhaps addt'l alfalfa or kelp or ... ? I think I'd be concerned with a heavy soil mix with that amount of rock dust and that could imact root development. Also, if you're using the small perlite you may consider beefing that up to 30% depending on what size pumice you've created with the lava rock. If the compost and EWC is solid so will your grow be with those few ammendments. Great job man!
Man I sure wish LD was around. He was one of the first folks in the City to reach out and help me with my soil mix... And I asked him the exact same question... Why so much Rock Dust? And I can't find his response anywhere, but I will try to regurgitate the info best I can. As I understand it the Rock dust "binds" my soil together and helps with water retention, in addition to the obvious benefits of the trace goodies. I have made several "tweaks" to the soil mix that LD guided me towards, as I learned why everything was there. And I am NOT opposed to tweaking it more, that has been my plan from the start. So maybe I'll back off on the Rock dust a bit since that seems to be the general consensus in here, and see where that lands me. Just so happens I have some Gypsum laying in the corner of the barn, gathering dust....hmmm Thanks much guys Boro
Hey no doubt mineralizing the soil is a good idea for a lot of great reasons, and also no doubt LD gave you solid advice. He was usually a few mile markers down the road from the rest of us. That's why those of us 'catching up' were wondering. Good luck but I don't think you'll need it. Rather, I think you're golden!
[quote name='"hagbone"']I miss his comments, too. He was the best. What happened to LD?[/quote] He took a leave of absence from GCITY. Politics I Reckon.... Good thing is he left a lot of gems hidden in these threads. I try to take a little something from every one of you guys, but I've taken more than my share from LD and I hope he knows it. Boro
Borophyl, One of the reasons I use rock dusts in my soil is because of the nutrition it provides the microorganisms. Having a diverse array of mineral sources such as rock dusts and kelp meal in your soil helps facilitate biological actions at the microbial level. These trace minerals act as co factors for essential enzymatic reactions in cell tissue. Here's the full paper on Nutrition and Growth of Bacteria. Bottom line for me....you really can't over do it at LD's recommended rate of amendment. We're growing with a living soil and rock dusts are my One a Days. Nutrition and Growth of Bacteria Cheers, Chunk
[quote name='"Possuum38North"'] Good luck but I don't think you'll need it. Rather, I think you're golden![/quote] Thanks a million man, means a lot. Boro
Your mix looks great, def better then mine but I kinda ' fell' into organics this grow but even my mix which was mostly added by teas and top dressing the plants are loving it so your mix should be incredible... I might actually try a similar one next grow
Chunk while on the subject of soil mix opinions let's get an opinon on the dolometic limestone question. Given a CCE of 38%-50%, how much is enough to add to a 5g container or ~48 cups of soil. Assume a pH of 6.2-6.5. This isn't intended as a trick question as I recall the topic during your Master Gardener certification. Congratulations and kudos on that. Also, I've observed that Espoma Garden Lime is easily dissolved in water with the result look like over creamed coffee or langbeinite perhaps. If dissolves like this does it improve the efficacy of the typical garden lime profile by being a more micronized form in the H2O, easily attached to the soil colloids and thus become more easily assimilated by the roots? If you don't know you don't know and I certainly would understand why you wouldn't LOL. I'm still thinking about stuff like this and I'm not sure it's a topic that even warrants anyone ever having researched it.
P38, I'm going to email you an article with a complete rundown on the different lime amendments. Meanwhile, here's the scoop on Dolomite Lime.
Great stuff as usual! Borophyl, your mix looks very solid - Possums advice on the gypsum is spot on too. After doing this for a couple of years now, I'm not sure if there is a magic amendment to keep your plants green late into flower - I'm at the opinion these days that this is natural senescence and is simply mother natures way of doing things. I keep having to tell myself that this is an annual plant and it's completely natural for them to start coloring/yellowing at this stage of thier life. J
Hey Chunk, Thanks for weighing in here man, mind if I ask at what rate you use your rock dust in your soil mix? Per square foot? Boro
After doing this for a couple of years now, I'm not sure if there is a magic amendment to keep your plants green late into flower - I'm at the opinion these days that this is natural senescence and is simply mother natures way of doing things***From Jerry. ^^^^This is what I was going to suggest, but wanted to wait for one of the more experienced fellas say it first. Seems natural, to me. Wouldnt worry about it. I think you are all good to go, Boro. Keep us posted!
Oh I totally Understand that this is the cannabis plant coming to an end of its life span, but I was seeing ALOT more yellowing than I ever have before, and way earlier in flowering than I'm used to. Sound like the tweaks to my soil mix are going over well in here :umped:: Boro
I'm guessing if LD were still here he'd say "Well done!" Hope so, bc I'm sure I read most of, if not all of, the same threads you did..... ....and we came up with the same mix! That's got to be a good sign, right??? Lol Peace!
As long as this is happening in the last two weeks, I look at it as a good thing. Preferably, I want this to happen in the fer last week. As for keeping them green, I give nitrogen right to the end of flower, and supplement with added PK in the last 4-5 weeks. This is what the creators of "Medi One" think is best, and they have won numerous cannabis cups.