Soil, ferts, nutes???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Heironimus Josh, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. Okay, I've been reading everything I can find on this site and many others for the past few weeks. I have built a modest but elaborate grow closet and I'm ready to germinate. I can't seem to find any clear and concise information on a solid over the counter soil to use! I've ready numerous grow journals, grandpa's grow guide and sid's. I don't have access to Super Soil where I'm at and I don't have the time to order it off the net. In numerous places I've read that it's not good to use a soil that is pre-fertilized but in grandpa's guide he says to use a grow soil high in nitrogen. I know that everyone has their own technique but there has to be a basic strategy for the beginner. Also, are nutes any different than ferts. I gather that they are but I can't find any good info on that either. I know I'm most likely asking very juvenile questions here but I could use some basic direction. Much appreciated, mi amigos. Heiro
  2. Any soil you can buy at wal-mart or home depot will work just fine. Just find a bag that specifically says no added fertilizers, or something along those lines......
  3. go to your local nursery, or wal-mart...whatever and tell them you are starting an Organic Vegtable Garden and you need organic soil without ANY slow release fert in it.
    I wish that part was removed from the 'Grandpa Grow Guide'. Even though it's true you need soil high in Nitrogen, but thats only during Growth, when you come to Flowering you need a different NPK ratio.
    Organic Soil....for a organic vegtable garden.
  4. homergrower, thanks for the input. That was simple. Are nutes something in addition to NPK, or is it just another term for it?
  5. Nutes are npk
  6. Nutes are nutrients or fertilisers.

    Most nutes will give a break-down of it's ingedients on the back of the packet/bottle giving....

    N=Nitrogen, P=Phosphorus, K=Potassium

    Look for the rating of these three, they will have a bunch of other stuff in them, but those three should be highlighted.

    for example my Growth Nutrient has NPK of 23/9/17.5
    while the flowering nutrient has a NPK ratio of 14/15/22

    As the plant needs more Nitrogen when it's in the growth stage, N will be higher than P or K in a growth nutrient.
    While, it needs more potassium in the flowering stage, so K is higher than N or P in the flowering soluation.

  7. Excellent, my friend. I feel like an amateur and I am for that matter. I'm going to keep on reading and getting all of these questions answered to make sure I get it right. Thanks again! Heiro

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