So what's so awesome about Adderal?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by NDsmoker420, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. I have the opportunity to try some for free in about a half hour from now. I'm pretty drunk right now if that makes a difference or not.
  2. its boring if you dont got shit to do..
  3. It's speed man.

    That's it. LoL Half Dexedrine and something else, I can't remember.
  4. cheap speed...sum people like girls use it as a eating stiumulant so they dont get hungry and lose weight but me, i take em for my add and dont abuse em because i much rather smoke a blunt of some piff or drink sum sizzzurp
  5. you will be awake!!
  6. nothing is awsome about adderal i used to be perscribed it for add and it turned me into a zombie:eek:
  7. It glorifies every action you take and word you speak. Literally, you can find enormous purpose in something as basic as watching paint dry on a wall. You will begin to notice how long it takes for the paint to dry, the patterns that the paint is drying in, and so on... Until the comedown. Then you are trapped in a miserable state of complete unhapiness and dissatisfaction with anything and anyone.

    With that being said, I love adderall and cannot picture my life without it, and I hate adderall and wish I could never take it again.

    It's exremely addicting. Not just physically, but mentally.

  8. ditto, I like ritalin over adderal am I the only one?
  9. arent ritalin and adderal the same thing?

  10. No.

    They're made up of different substances... in different ratios. Like I said earlier, Adderal is half Dexedrine, and half something else (which I can't remember).
  11. o.....which is stronger?
  12. I've only ever used it as a study-aid. For that purpose it's amazing and you can get a lot of work done, mainly because you want to study; you want to accomplish whatever you set out to do.

    To take it for recreation just seems a little weird to me.

  13. Ritalin.
  14. I love adderall.. I have a prescription for it...

    Positive effects- Increased Well Being
    - Makes you more social
    - Lasts for about 7+ Hours
    - Makes you feel Buzzed
    - More

    Negative effects-
    - You wont be able to eat, It will take away you appetite
    - Almost impossible to sleep

    I would say try it.. Fake about 60 MG
    thats two 30MG pills:D
  15. Adderall:
    1/2 Dextroamphetamine (saccharate/sulfate)
    1/2 Racemic dextro/levoamphetamine (aspartate monohydrate/sulfate)


    Adderall is amphetamine salts and Ritalin is a chemical completely different from the amphetamines. Adderal may not seem as strong as Ritalin because the different amphetamines react in the body at different times, where as Ritalin is a single chemical that has profound effects. One way around this? Why dose up, of course.

    That being said, I don't use either. I've done Adderall once and it wasn't that enjoyable. :(
  16. Really? I am surprised that people actually prefer ritalin over adderall. I have actually only tried ritalin once in a small dosage a few years back. Is it as addictive?
  17. does adderall go well with oxycodone? i just took a 10mg of oxy and i feel numb and i might want to stay awake a bit too lol, i have like 5 more of 10mg adderall.
  18. uppers and downers are dangerous to mix...
  19. Adderall can be good, man. On the other hand, it can completely suck. Just use it responsibly; don't take too much.
  20. uppers and opiates are the shit. i love mixing stimulants like adderall or ritalin with oxy or other opiates.

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