I can eat like a thousand pizza lunchables/hotpockets/minis. Coconut water is also yummy when I get dehydrated and those single serve grapefruit cups that are already sliced for you in grapefruit juice mmm.. not to mention steak bacon bags of shrimp cold pb n j, hot cheetos, doritos, ruffles, lays, fritos, pizza, pussy
I usually just grab whatever I'm around, but cool ranch Doritos are pretty good. I've also come up with some tasty desserts while stoned. The first is Swiss rolls with peanut butter on top, with a pinch of salt (note to self: use natural pb and sprinkle abv for a kickass edible). The second on I can remember is an oatmeal cream pie on top of a star crunch.
Pita chips with hummus Fried rice Pineapple Bananas Apple Fritters/Glazed Donuts Banana pancakes Toast
I love cereal and any food that is unhealthy is fun to munch on stoned. you know, the sweets and good stuff that people on diets tend to avoid