So, I'm coming here for medical advice...

Discussion in 'General' started by thezool, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. I'm not quite ready to ask my parents, as I don't want to cause unnecessary worry, and I have a spare few moments so I'll ask the medical experts on GC. We all smoke the holy medicine, so we must be expert doctors, right? :smoking:

    So I've noticed I've had a small bruise forming on my foot over the last few days, I've not hit it on anything and I've read bruises don't form for no reason. I also seem to have another one forming near it, and a very faint one on my hand which I've noticed today. I've also been feeling very lethargic this past few days, and I've felt a malaise, which I just put down to being unhealthy, for a few months now. But I doubt that's related, as I am probably just unhealthy. The feelings of lethargy these last few days have been worse than usual, though.

    Also, I've got this hard bump on my bum cheek, which I think could just be a spot but it's right under the skin; I've had a lot of spots in my time, too, and it doesn't seem like one. I'm slightly worried...

    I also have had a sore throat and general feeling like my head is heavy these past few days, but my mum has also been sick so I'm not sure if it's related...

    So, medical experts. Should I go to the doctors? Oh yea I'm only 22...

  2. doctor, today.

  3. Sounds like a good idea.
  4. if you dont have a fever you're fine..mysterious bruises arent that odd and the lump in your ass is probably a cyst..go see a doc if you're that worried about it
  5. We're not going to be able to diagnose random bruises and bumps.

    You could easily hit your foot on something, not realize, and end up with a bruise.

    If you're concerned a doctor is why you need, not stoners

  6. Yeah I thought it would be a cyst or something. It has a bruise around it though... It seems to have gotten a bit softer the last few days though.

    I'm not sure about the fever, but I don't think I'd be posting on here if I had one, right? I've never had one before so I dunno what it feels like, I certainly don't feel too great though. I feel like I haven't drunk enough or something, but I'm perfectly hydrated.

    And why do I have to choose between stoners or a doctor? Can't I have both? :(
  7. You could be fighting something but thats when checking your temp with a thermometer helps because if its infection or a virus your temp will go up
  8. Go to the doctor dude!

    If for no other reason than peace of mind.
  9. Asking for a medical diagnosis online is worse than making one yourself.... A lump could range from a harmless papule turned into a cyst to a malignant tumor.

    The other symptoms may be related or unrelated, but without knowing ANY of your previous medical history or anything really about yourself a prediction is impossible.

    If your worried, or even if your not worried, it's a very good idea to go see a doctor.
  10. If you aren't feeling good and are concerned go to the doctor if you have insurance. It should be really cheap or free to get checked out. Do it for peace of mind atleast, trust me i waited 2 years to get my back looked at and turns out when i broke my tail bone one summer it clipped the disc in my l4 l5 and it was dessicated and deflated. That's not even mentioning how many years it took me to get my stomach looked at due to parents and turns out i was real fucked up.

    get checked people! early detection saves lives.
  11. #11 thezool, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2012
    Thanks for the responses, if I still feel the same on Monday then I'll ring the doctors and sort an appointment out. I just went to the pub, and after 3 pints I feel dandy, but alcohol can do that to you. My arse was aching though.

  12. Let us know what happens. You have a lot of good thoughts going your way.
  13. Welp, we need a bit more information. What's your diet usually like? What's your activity level?

    All of these things may be unrealated. It's flu season, you may be coming down with something. For the bump on your ass, I'd guess big zit or cyst. Not necessarily something to worry about unless it gets bad or doesn't heal in a reasonable amount of time.

    For the bruise, huh, well, are you sure you didn't hit the areas? You may not have even noticed. Could have happened in your sleep. You might be anemic, I don't know. It's why I asked about your diet.

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