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So I think I got an ember in my lungs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrossFIre851, May 13, 2011.

  1. So anyways as I was toking I decided to scrap up my jar I been putting my weed in for the past 8 months... it's a small plastic spice jar and used computer paper(I should have went and got some joint paper ><) to scrap up all the crystals on the side and put some weed on top as I am toking I think inhaled a burnt ember from the paper.... and I feel a burning feeling where the area of my heart is... did it burn a whole through my lungs? (>.<)
  2. No...You burned a hole right through your heart, hence the burning feeling being where the heart is.
  3. Yes. You have 5 seconds to live.
  4. ROFL nuff said
  5. He should probably already be dead, considering the heart and all.
  6. Hence he's not replying
  7. Maybe he is stuck in a shitblizzard.
  8. Oh I am high as fuck so idk

  9. I ment it was like in that area....but obviously in my lungs...if that makes sense... rather then troll me should I go get xrays done? Or am I good? ><?
  10. See how you feel in the morning.

    Best advice ever.
  11. I don't fuckin' know.
  12. Inb4 "don't worry you'll be fine"

    sorry bro, you might as well start writing your will.
  13. Dude, you need XRays stat! They may have to surgically remove the smoldering ember.
  14. But really, you'll be fine.

    I'm pretty sure a tiny ember is better than 5 cigarettes. (if you smoke cigs)
  15. Yeah I'll see how I feel in a few days that makes the best sense... and yeah at the time I barely had the bowl lit. I'll guess I'll see :eek:
  16. If you had a hole in your lungs im sure youd be finding it pretty hard to breathe lol
  17. what if it was a small pin hole though from an ember that was still burning?
  18. I work out and exercise... I don't want it to like rip or something and me gasping for air on the ground randomly cause I tore my lung...

  19. That would be awesome. Like a direct port into your bloodstream. Burn a hole from your lung to your left ventricle and fuse the two together.

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