And honestly it was'nt as fun as I thought it would be. Some bigass mexican came by and she hopped off her bike lookin like a motha suckin cave woman and she grabbed that shit. She felt something inside the dollar and she unwrapped it soooo carefully as if there was a fuckin diamond in there or somethin. She found it was shit and she threw it and looked around and looked at me and my friend trying not to laugh. She then took the poo dollar and left. Whata beotch. Lesson to be learned: Use a wet sticky shit and make sure that the dollar is mushed in with the shit or else if its a dry shit mexicans will dgaf it and chuck that shit and take yo money ya heard
what's it matter if they take it? are YOU going to take the shit money and put it back in your wallet if you do you are dirty dirty dirty
yeah it was and i know right its almost like they asked for it dried up dog poo on the sidewalk. we were hoping to poo dollar the people who walk their dogs and dont clean up after them me too dawg