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So I moved to Ann Arbor yestarday....

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lizardking, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. and i went to 42* today and my god that place is like heaven on earth haha. I really wanted to buy a sweet ass roor but i am living in the dorms for atleast this year and it would probably be kind of hard to hide something like that haha. ah well its another excuse to wait until my birthday next july because apparently you get sweet ass deals on your birthday haha. anyone in the A2 area?
  2. Univ of Mich Ann Arbor student? I had friends who went there and said their RA's were chill with them smoking, but obviously that is going to depend on who is your RA and stuff. I don't know, maybe have a chat with them and ask them if they're chill with you smoking in your bathroom or something. If you can befriend them they can be your best ally. My RA freshman year was the one who rallied for me to not get kicked out of housing when I was caught drinking. Who knows, maybe you'll make a smoking buddy?
  3. I live about 45 minutes from 42 Degrees and I plan on making a trip there somewhat soon, what were the prices like? And I wouldnt doubt the RA thing, Ann Arbor is very lenient on Mary Jane, the penalty for being caught with marijuana is $25.00 USD for the first offense, $50.00 for the second and $100.00 for the third or subsequent offense (and no incarceration or probation), But then again it would be more strict on university property. I need to make my way to the hash bash too...
  4. Yeah, i myself live about 15 min from AA. went to 42 degrees a week and a half ago and picked up a reeeeallly nice triple chambered bubbler. my favorite head shop around!

    I think 42 deg. is a little pricy, but its on a college campus so thats probably why. i love it tho, great pieces.
  5. prices seemed pretty good they have a huge selection and the guy said that like this thursday they were gettin a shipment of Illadelph's entire new line. if you make a trip over do it either on your birthday or find someone whos birthday is close enough because you get MAJOR deals for your birthday like half off almost anything glass on up to 3 items so its worth it to wait haha and yea i should talk to my RA cus he looks like a total pothead so hes prolly chill as long as im not like blatant about it
  6. Yeah my bro is starting at University of Michigan this year. Hey says the RAs are real chill. They said they understand because they were freshmen once too.
  7. your bro cool? haha i need stoner buddies lol
  8. I still havent been to that headshop, One of these days..
  9. Yeah, what year and dorm are you?
  10. freshman, im in couzens on the hill
  11. My brother's in markley. His name's Daniel. If you meet him tell him I say hi.
  12. haha cus there arnt a few hundred daniels especialy with our freshman class bein like over 6k
  13. Daniel O and he has an eyebrow piercing. That should narrow it down a fair bit.
  14. 42 Degrees is awesome. The glass is similar to the Jungle Room or Purple Haze (probably the same artists) but everything just seems a little cheaper in price. My buddy bought a badass triple chamber bubbler from there for like $150. Ann Arbor is sweet too, you've still got to be careful though. I've heard many many stories of busts in the A2 area in the past few years. If you are a consumer, they dont really care unless you're blowing pot smoke in a cop's face, but if you're distributing they will get you and they make it hard.

    I think you will like it there. Its a very chill town, like a big city with a small town atmosphere.
  15. fire lloyd carr, that is all i have to say today, that and i think i got like 2nd or 3rd degree burns from the game :(
  16. and in ann arbor if you get caught with like an 1/8 or less they just take your weed and you get a $25 ticket. It doesnt apply on university property though.
  17. Hey Lizardking, I'm a freshman in Couzens too.

    Do you have any idea where the University ends and Ann Arbor begins? Because apparently though Ann Arbor laws are pretty lenient towards pot you can get completely fucked over if you're on university property. I need to buy a piece, find a dealer, and find a good place to smoke. Hopefully I can get it done within a week or so what with classes beginning.
  18. Also, how sketch is smoking in a dorm room with a fan going (blowing out the window) and a thing of febreeze? What're the chances someone in the dorms across from mine (meaning over the forty or so feet of roof) would narc if they saw something?
  19. Dude I was at U of M the other day visiting friends and I slept in markley and I smoked in there! lol
  20. I'm a alumni of michigan. Graduated 2005. To be honest just drive to Birmingham and goto purple haze. It's right off main street on the second floor. They have better prices in my opinion.

    And yea I do think it is time to retire lloyd carr. Seriously losing to app state is absolutely crazy.

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