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so I just bought a "smokebuddy" and had a q

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nxk, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. where does all the smoke go? is this thing magical? possibly god?

    I took a huge bong rip, blew it all through the smokebuddy, and NOTHING came out

    anyone else own one and have any thoughts?
  2. I actually was just thinking about this product the other day and I couldn't remember the name. Thank you for helping me out :hello:
  3. Have onle seen Chubbs on YouTube use it, he takes pretty good sized rips.
  4. Theres two paper filters and a carbon filter.

  5. #5 puppiesisone, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2011
    Layers of carbon/paper filtering. Does wonders! I use mine quite a bit, $15 well spent.
  6. simply amazing, so simple yet so AMAZING!! thanks guys
  7. lmao "Is this thing magical? Possibly god?" hahaha funny shit broseph
  8. Like they said it goes through the filters so all the smoke is caught by those. That also means that all those particles are stuck in there and eventually you can't use it anymore.
    I'm pretty sure it says on the website it's disposable
  9. #9 KingFurgalur, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Is there any smell? At all?
  10. yeah but it can take around +100 hits so thats a epic win in my book.
    LE :
  11. yeah I know, just saying that's where it goes. Just stays in the smokebuddy

  12. Smokebuddy Personal Air Filter

    1. Remove travel caps.
    2. Place lips on intake creating a seal.
    3. Blow smoke through smokebuddy.
    4. Enjoy smokeless, odorless clean air.
  13. If you are using something that continues to burn/gives off smoke, then yes, there will be a smell. If you are taking snap hits or using a bong, then you're good to go.
  14. it's a cool product, but could easily be made at home for less than $5. just go get some activated carbon, put a coffee filter or some cheesecloth at the bottom of a bottle with holes in the bottom, fill with the activated carbon after you've washed it and let it dry. voila, activated carbon spoof.
  15. #15 KingFurgalur, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thanks for the info I know what it is I was just wondering there was any smell whatsoever.
  16. someone already answered that perfectly. as long as your bowl or whatever isn't roasting, and you get all the smoke through the smokebuddy, there really shouldn't be any smell. carbon filter has millions of pores that collect all the smell causing molecules. if there is any smell, it doesn't have enough carbon filter, meaning it's a poor product, or it's too dirty.
  17. inside there is actually a portal to god's lungs highdea right there..
  18. What happens if you reverse it ? So inhale through the smoke buddy? Would it filter the smoke and work like a vap ?
  19. just because your a pot head, doesn't give you an excuse to act stupid.
    Shame on you.
  20. Well it would work, since the carbon filter would still work and therefore filter the smoke exactly the same way, except you´re inhaling the smoke. There is, as far as I can tell, no paradox. I was just trying to see if anyone knew anything more about this. And since we´re, as far as I have been able to tell, relatively open to asking questions here (it is after all apprentice tokers) I was under the impression that someone would be able to answere my question.

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