So I had to take a poop

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SnortIt, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. I had to poop bad but I was waiting to meet my friend half-way somewhere so we could go to my house and chill right, well I smoke my bubbley in the car and when I got home I swear I had no feeling like I needed to poop.

    So, I had to go poop again, to test I packed a bowl and smoked and the urge is MUCH less pronounced.

    Does this happen to anyone else?
  2. I don't know maybe you waited so long each time that it just like shot back up or something so it could wait until another chance to come out. I don't know but I prolly would've just drove home and took a shit then went back.
  3. So marijuana cures the urge to poop?
    A little cool I guess...
  4. Another reason why medical Marijuana should be legalized! A cure to dihareahh finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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