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So I got my bowl today :D

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xLively, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. So I got my bowl today, and the bowl itself is pretty big! Haha, I like it, it looks awesome. :) It came with some screens, where do I put them?
  2. you insert the screen inside of the bowl. Yo, you should of snapped some pics so we could see it
  3. #5 CrimsonKush, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    There are supposed to be pics in this thread my man. And there's only one place the screens would go, inside the bowl. Enjoy the new piece bro

    Edit: nice pic, nice piece
  4. Nice piece. Reminds me of my first spoon pipe, was black and white though.
    May he rest in pieces.
  5. Damn that is a big bowl lol
  6. nice bowl brother
  7. Screens go in the bowl, extra screens i keep in my wallet/cell phone battery compartment.
  8. Oh wow, noticed you have a right sided carb.

    That's pretty uncommon! You're lucky, if you're a lefty!
  9. really short with a fat bowl...that thing is gonna rip, enjoy it!
  10. :( my piece broke to
  11. you can if you want to but glass pipes dont need screens.But very nice looking pipe.
  12. Pick up some glass screens :)

  13. Don't you find them too fiddley though? From the Roor ones I've used I certainly did and metal gauzes just don't sit right with me, imparts a taste to the herb and wecks the bowl too. Prefer just to plug the hole with a small bit of bud and load grinded bud on top, works great for me. :D

  14. To make glass screens a little less fiddley, you can fix them to the inside of your bowl using clover honey (the hard stuff, not the liquid). Just put a tiny dab of honey on the points of the screen that contact the inside of the bowl and use a torch or lighter to burn the honey until it darkens. Let the bowl and screen cool and you won't have to worry about it falling out when you cash your bowl. Its still a bit of a pain getting it in there, but if the hole at the bottom is so large that you almost require a screen (I have one slide like this), it works like a charm.
  15. Nice bowl man.
  16. Wow! That's a nice bowl, my bowl is small and portable but that shit rips like a boss though. Can't wait to try it with dank!
  17. Really nice piece man! I hope you enjoy it! Tell us how it rips too bro we all wanna know, oh and dont forget to name it man! Respect for the glass!

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