So I drew this...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by kaset, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    So i drew this "thing" on our dry erase board hanging in the kitchen and some kind of guitar while i was high as hell. The next morning this was written and if you cant see she wrote momma says-dont smoke. Wow hahaha, just real high again and thought I would post this :smoke:
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  2. i always thought of hell being below the earth, so you must have not been very high :smoke:

    j/k man thats a sick drawing, stay high
  3. Dude this is by far the funniest shit I've seen all day :laughing: the fact that she did not erase it and simply wrote "mom says- don't smoke" is so damn funny.

    Cool drawing too man!
  4. lmao that's hilarious.
  5. Your mother is awesome, you should cherish it. :D
  6. Is that Bob Dylan?
  7. Haha no, but i see the similarities
  8. anyone else notice the guitar only has one string? that cracked me up when i saw that.
  9. This...

    is awesome :D
  10. looks like my grandpa
  11. ...and it's only half a string, that doesn't even make it to the bridge.

    If the beach boys wrote a song about that guitar it would be called "No Vibrations":D
  12. I'd say "LOL" and leave it at that, but, that just doesn't cut it...

  13. Hahaha not to bring other "drugs" into this but i did draw this after taking my 10mg of ambien for insomnia. So you could see why i only drew half a string lol :p
  14. The one dredlock with the bead made me lol hard.

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