So, After 4 months at the gym...

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Sanguine, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Yes obviously he was talking about barbell curls. He's still a liar or he conveniently forgot to mention he does extreme cheat curls.

  2. You said EXACTLY what I said. Plagiarism on the Interwebz... :cool:
  3. #43 NeverBSatisfied, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2012
    Try switching up your diet and look into other movements and exercises. There's an entire technique and exercise's to explore when you're experiencing your plataea faze. That's the problem for most weight lifters. For so long they'll be going strong then all of a sudden, completely level out because your body and muscles are so use to your workout that it has nowhere else to go within your parameters. Try looking up some extended exercise's and isolate secondary muscle's into your routine and switch up your workouts every now and then.

    From there, you will trick your muscles into something new and growth will occur. It's important not to do the same redundant exercise over and over again over the course of a couple months so you don't hit a wall. You can keep up with what you're doing now, just maybe in your 3rd week of routine, do a completely different exercise that focus's on unique muscle movements.
  4. your routine needs way more squats.

  5. LMAO now thats funny
  6. eat more food. work out harder.

  7. That's as simple as it gets.
  8. Sounds like you've plateaued, gota change shit up so your body doesn't get used to the routine. Try a book called Huge in a Hurry by Chad waterbury. Name sounds like a gimmick but its extremely interesting and proven.
  9. There is an easier way...

    Track this guy down, in the changerooms. He's got the stuff.

  10. all it takes really. I have gone from 130 to 165 over the past year basically with a solid routine.... go hard, eat good no junk but obviously eat more than before. 6 feet in height BTW.

  11. He's probably maxing out with the pulley's you fool's. :smoke:
  12. Eat more work out hard. You're still at a semi-light weight. I remember when I was at 200lbs on bench and I was like "damn will I ever get to 2 plates?" Finally did. You will keep progressing if you stick to working out.
  13. plyometrics is the always the way to go. I mean pushups and pull ups of course, but also other weight resisting poses. Like having your back above the ground and holding yourself using only your elbows and 1 heels, for your triceps.Using only your hands for your wrists/forearms, and you with your back facing the ground using your hands, and of course always keep a good diet.
  14. not to be a dick but if your maxing bench at 200, and truly (I say that questionably) repping 135x10 for curls then your very disproportionate when comparing your chest to arms, it must look freaky. I'm not trying to be a dick, just some advice.... catch up your chest otherwise it's going to look really weird.

    I personally max bench 225 a month ago so I'd guess I'm at 235 now, and I only curl 105x10 and even my arms are probably slightly bigger in proportion lol.
  15. you don't weight anything thats why the results are slow
  16. try 250 grams of protein 250 grams of carbs and about 70-80 grams of fat everyday.. increase till you start gaining about a lb a week
  17. you should at least be 190 id say for a good bmi

  18. If he wants to see muscular gains plyometrics won't do jack shit for him. Not knocking plyos, they're decent for improving athleticism, but won't build you any muscle.
  19. dam thats prtty solid. Im 6'2'' also, but i only bench 155 x 10. Haven't maxed in awhile so idk.. and i weigh a bit more but got a 6/8 pk cuz im skinny... 180 x 5 is prtty good.
  20. [quote name='"Anschluss"']dam thats prtty solid. Im 6'2'' also, but i only bench 155 x 10. Haven't maxed in awhile so idk.. and i weigh a bit more but got a 6/8 pk cuz im skinny... 180 x 5 is prtty good.[/quote]

    17 years old maxed 305 get on my level boyssss, haha just fucking with remember dedication and nutrition is key always remember *work hard,play hard*

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