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So, After 4 months at the gym...

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Sanguine, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Ive stopped seeing results..

    I am currently 6ft 2, 165lb:

    Benching = 200lb (1rep) 180lbx 5
    Curling = 135lbsx10
    DeadLift = 275lb x1

    And then Ive just been using weight machines for things like chest, forearms.

    As you may notice, I dont really know much about weight lifting, Ive honestly noticed a great difference in the past 4 months, My abs are starting to show, and my biceps have gotten MUCH bigger...

    Problem is, Ive started to stop seeing results..Would protein shakes help? Any advice at all would be great!
  2. Just keep at it, but try mixing up the routine to stimulate results. For example, instead of benching 180 lbs for five reps, try benching 140 lbs for 10 reps. Know what I mean? Plus, your body tissue has to also get used to your change in regimen. Just stick with it.

  3. [​IMG]
  4. Stop trying to see what you can do for 1 rep. Keep your range at about 8 reps. Also your body needs about 2 and a half minutes between sets to get all your ATP back for the next set. My opinion STAY AWAY FROM MACHINES. Also beginners should start by doing a 3 day split working out all the muscle groups at once. I personally only workout each muscle group 1 day a week but i lift very intensely. My workout looks like this

    Monday is chest and triceps

    For chest i do bench press, incline bench press, and dumbell flys. Sometimes instead of doing the bench press and incline bench press i do dumbell bench press and incline dumbell presses. For triceps i do dumbell kickbacks and skull crushers. Some people say dumbell kickbacks are for chicks but i get good results from them. When you do them though make sure you keep your elbow pinned to your side and keep it up using good form. If you cant do this with good form drop the weight load.

    Tuesday i always workout abs and forearms.

    Wednesdays its biceps and shoulders. What i do for biceps is a modified preacher curl with 1 dumbell using a SLIGHT decline. Just like this dude is doing. [ame=]Biceps Exercise by Luimarco - YouTube[/ame] Then i do hammer curls and easy bar dumbell curls. For shoulders i do the basic military press with dumbells and i do side raises.

    Thursday is abs again and forearms

    Friday is back day. For back i do bent over 1 arm rows with dumbells and back flys with dumbells. I also do bent over rows with the barbell.

    Saturday is abs and forearms

    Sunday is finally the legs. I simply do squats in the squat rack and i do the stiff leg dead lifts.

    I only use 2-3 workouts each muscle group because i know these are the best exercises to use. Why go from a great exercise to a less effective exercise? The way i break out of plateaus is i add more weight lol. Your body gets used to the WEIGHT you are using and not the exercise. Using free weights IMO is the best way to go. Cables give you too much of a mechanical advantage.

  5. Your cool. /sarcasm

    Thanks so much for this man, Ive just googled a bunch of different excercises for certain muscles and made a routine similar to yours. Seriously, thanks so much
  6. You lie on the internet...and you don't know how to spell
  7. pics or it didn't happen :cool:
  8. Less reps, more weight. Maintain good form, and proper diet is important.

    God luck and good speed.
  9. Why are you doing one max rep on deadlift?

    Your routine seems stupid, lift smarter and you'll see better results.

  10. No problem :)

  11. [​IMG]
  12. as I scrolled down this post, I realized there are nothing but shitty answers for this kid.

    So I thought to myself, maybe I should help him out.

    You can't expect but so much in 4 months of working out with weights. I've been working out for 4 years and I still hit long plateaus from time to time.

    It happens.

    Keep working out, keep increasing your weights, mix it up....(different routines/different sets/different reps/different weights/different motions and angles and grips).

    And I would definitely say.... buy some protein powder and start taking that after your workouts, and even before you go to bed.

    I hope this answer helps you out

    To everyone else: I'm baked
  13. Fuck you this is the same advice I gave :laughing:
  14. Protein powders lol. What kind of protein should i be taking before bed? Bench press and incline bench press is the absolute BEST exercise for the chest. Why go from that to a less effective exercise? The reason why you hit plateaus is because your body gets used to the WEIGHT you are using not the exercise. The main goal when exercising is do stress the muscle out enough to give your muscles a reason to grow. Intense muscle contractions is what is needed to make the muscles grow. Its the weight that gives you intense muscle contractions not the movement. When you get used to a weight you need to add weight that your muscles are not used to so it will grow and get stronger. Let me answer the first question i gave you. You should be consuming slow digesting proteins before bed. Whey protein is a FAST digesting protein. Protein from chicken is a slow digesting protein which is what you want before bed since you will be not eating again for another 8-16 hours.
  15. WHEY protein
  16. Start squatting, your routine is kind of missing a few key components, and squats are one of them.

  17. I would write a few lines in reply to you, but your simply not worth the meer energy it takes. Your a crappy blade.

    Thanks everyone else for the answers, Ive researched more effective excercises and have now got a solid routine going, different muscle groups for different days.

    Also I think there is some confusion, I dont do 1 rep each time, I do 7-10. However I thought you guys would of wanted to know the max I could lift.

    So once again, thanks everyone for the awesome replies! (Par the trolls/fags) :hello:
  18. You seriously expect anybody to believe you curl that much with your stats?

  19. Dude, I honestly dont care if you believe me or not. If it makes you feel better, yep, I totally lied to make my self look like a big boy on the internet (even though im asking for help)

    Please, if you have nothing worthwhile to post leave the thread, go post your stupid memes somewhere else.
  20. [quote name='"ThEhoRRoR1"']Stop trying to see what you can do for 1 rep. Keep your range at about 8 reps. Also your body needs about 2 and a half minutes between sets to get all your ATP back for the next set. My opinion STAY AWAY FROM MACHINES. Also beginners should start by doing a 3 day split working out all the muscle groups at once. I personally only workout each muscle group 1 day a week but i lift very intensely. My workout looks like this

    Monday is chest and triceps

    For chest i do bench press, incline bench press, and dumbell flys. Sometimes instead of doing the bench press and incline bench press i do dumbell bench press and incline dumbell presses. For triceps i do dumbell kickbacks and skull crushers. Some people say dumbell kickbacks are for chicks but i get good results from them. When you do them though make sure you keep your elbow pinned to your side and keep it up using good form. If you cant do this with good form drop the weight load.

    Tuesday i always workout abs and forearms.

    Wednesdays its biceps and shoulders. What i do for biceps is a modified preacher curl with 1 dumbell using a SLIGHT decline. Just like this dude is doing. Video Link: Then i do hammer curls and easy bar dumbell curls. For shoulders i do the basic military press with dumbells and i do side raises.

    Thursday is abs again and forearms

    Friday is back day. For back i do bent over 1 arm rows with dumbells and back flys with dumbells. I also do bent over rows with the barbell.

    Saturday is abs and forearms

    Sunday is finally the legs. I simply do squats in the squat rack and i do the stiff leg dead lifts.

    I only use 2-3 workouts each muscle group because i know these are the best exercises to use. Why go from a great exercise to a less effective exercise? The way i break out of plateaus is i add more weight lol. Your body gets used to the WEIGHT you are using and not the exercise. Using free weights IMO is the best way to go. Cables give you too much of a mechanical advantage.[/quote]

    Sounds good..what does your diet look like

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