I was in the Stash jar forum, actually to have help with a question I had about some of my stuff, and it was obviously pointed out that posting a picture would help. Now, I imagine I am certainly not the first person to ask this, in fact I'm guessing it gets asked a lot, but I wanted to make doubly sure that it's alright to do so? I mean, I do live in America, and not one of the couple places where it's legal. I guess I just wanted to make triple sure first that I can even do that? Because it seems like a pretty bad idea?
if you take your pics with a phone be sure to host them to a site like imgur first and then upload from there and paste the links, a lot of phone photos contain data that can be read and GPS coordinates and such... but yes its ok to post photos no matter where you are from, just keep personal information out of them if you want to be smart about it
Yeah post it man. If you have an iPhone just turn location services off in the settings if you want to be extra cautious.Sent from my iPhone. Grass n00b.
no way what? about the data from phone photos? its real... not sure if its applicable to androids but i've read a bit about it from iphone photos that weren't rehosted to other sites before uploading... its called EXIF data, look it up I dont know a whole lot about it but it is pretty easy to find that data from photos that were uploaded straight from the phone
What if they are pictures I already took? Then I assume turning location services off don't matter? And yeah, if I felt like it was safe, I would upload a picture direct (or from the app if that's doable), you're saying I probably should not do that though? And yeah, I do have an iphone. Isn't that a specific reason why people should talk about it?
exactly. people should know this is possible, especially if they are posting pics of themselves or their grows or stashes on this site. Personally I think GC should address that in the guidelines somewhere... since they like to protect their members identities and all.
Yeah, I'm actually kind of surprised they don't address it. I figured I just missed it in an FAQ somewhere or something.
well now i know to turn off my location, but now i know and everyone else who didn't already know they can find other dummys like me lol. not that im going to.
If someone was of the mind to track you down using that kind of information, it's likely they already knew how..
[quote name="spincut" post="19347639" timestamp="1389827448"]What if they are pictures I already took? Then I assume turning location services off don't matter? And yeah, if I felt like it was safe, I would upload a picture direct (or from the app if that's doable), you're saying I probably should not do that though?And yeah, I do have an iphone.Isn't that a specific reason why people should talk about it?[/quote]Uploading from the app itself would be the safest way. I've looked into it and the app doesn't send any location data even if your location services are switched on. So you're safe in that sense.It's unlikely for anything to happen but in the future if you like to be extra cautious then use 3G instead of wifi to upload pictures. Harder to track ip address.Sent from my iPhone. Grass n00b.
so i'm good just going straight from my photo album to gc app? i have location off anyway cuz fb and shit butt i wanna be sure haha.
[quote name="nesw" post="19347794" timestamp="1389828970"]so i'm good just going straight from my photo album to gc app? i have location off anyway cuz fb and shit butt i wanna be sure haha.[/quote]Yep that's right! And turn wifi off and upload using your mobile Internet! That's about as safe you can be on iPhone anyway.Sent from my iPhone. Grass n00b.
Ah! So the app stips that data automatically, that's good to know. Also I used LTE rather than 3g, but I assume it's the same concept, also good to know. Hah, shows how much you know, I don't even have a webcam .