So about the bible...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by emperor_dragoon, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. So how come people ignore the fact the bible is obviously corrupted, and sure there are certain parts that shine. Who is to say how far corruption can go.

  2. Think of it this way. What the english bible says has been translated and modified by people and through languages so much it's probably a quite adultered version.
    It just sucks because some people dont want to see that the bible could be corrupt.
  4. You mean see that it is :laughing: . It really shouldn't be taken literally. The religious people i respect the most and enjoy listening to are those that take in the abstract and the meaning of it rather than literal and steer away from the fucked up parts.
  5. I sold my soul to the devil.

    666 HAIL SATAN!
  6. All for a snickers bar and a mountain dew
  7. Well the last half is about a Jewish zombie bastard so its all fucked up.
  8.   I wouldn't say corruption since it's hard to tell what it really is talking about.  Some think it's military history as well as a way to ease the thought of death. If there was no thought of an afterlfe then what would we things be like?   The more one thinks about things like this the more it becomes a mental delema of right and wrong when all it's for is a basic path to follow/moral guide.    Tough topic tho and thats why so many religions I think.
  9. There has been alot of what the bible says to be true..examples two cities have been found that were mentioned mman I can go on and on BUT......God wants us to think for ourselves.
    IF God created us WITHOUT free there would have been a Bible that everyone would have agreed correct. and we would have followed it like a life manual and there would have been world bliss.  
    But we have free will so like I said there are great parts of the bible but thats only a little part of what God wants us to know...
    Those who seek him use the bible as a guide but mostly (like myself) I have a personal relationship with God and he guides me But yes the bible is my foundation where I grow from
  10. If anyone knows about this stuff the book of Enoch was left out of the bible cause the powers that be thought it would be to far out and people would just throw out the bible as fiction.

  11. What if the devil wrote the bible and we are in hell right now?
  12. Idk if the devil wrote it, but one thing is for sure...the bible is not perfect. Much more then that though i can't say.
  13. #13 Joeguy_ID, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
    I tried to read the bible once, got through the first page, it was awful. Should not have dropped acid that day.
    but in all seriousness some of the bible is a pretty good read but its silly to take it to heart, especailly the old testament.
  14. DankBarbie is BACK YESSSS
  15. dyin' of thirst. ^^
  16. Why is criticism of Christianity perfectly acceptable, whereas criticism of Islam is considered a form of racism?
    Wait, what ?!?!
    I'll bet you have never met somebody who thinks as much for himself, as I do ! I avoid bandwagons at all costs. If the crowd zigs, I zag. I'm the lone guy that will stand in the middle of thousands, and tell them they are all FOS, every last one of them.... if that's what I believe.
    It is because I'm such a strong self thinker, that I do not believe in God.
    I mean, if their was a God, why did he make me so logical, that I don't believe in him ? If their was a God (which I have not found evidence to support that their is) then he kind of fucked me up with personal logic, I guess. Should have just made me a gullible retard.
    Religion !
    It's just unbelievable !  ;)
    The bible isn't corrupted, it reflects the beliefs and thoughts of people from a different time, so obviously it clashes with our time.  It should clash, we live in an age of facts, of science and reason.  So imagine someone saying a flashlight is magical as opposed to someone that understands its a device (invented by people) used to look around when no other lights are available.  I don't get why some people defer to figures that are long dead and gone for information about the modern world, when the worldviews of biblical characters were supported by guesswork and primitive superstition?
    The accuracy of the bible is only a question for blind devotees that refuse to see the world for what it is.
  19. All depends on how you look at it. If you feel like you are learning, you can feel moved by even a crude book with the right mindset. The Bible does have some pretty mind-inspiring stories in my opinion, there's nothing really like the Bible, ESPECIALLY not nowdays in the electronic era.
  20. If the bible isn't perfect, nothing is perfect. It describes the purity and holiness in a story of the supposed son of god and his heartfelt sacrifices. If you're going to be pointing out how the bible isn't perfect, then really, nothing is. Even if it is a bunch of written stories.

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