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Smoking with the flu.....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by crackwhaaa, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. So yesterday i woke up with the flew and it sucked!!!!! Totally puking my brains out. Well anyways i googled smoking with the flu and no one really gave straight up answers. Anyways at about 5 my girlfriend and a friend decided to toke. When i did i felt 100 times better. So i just thought i would share that if you have the flu smoking will probably help with some pains that you have and the nausea. Anybody else smoked to relieve the great pain of the flu?
  2. I had a cold n smoked n felt awesome
  3. Hopefully you didn't hit the same pipe with them, or you sir are a douche!
  4. I have flu-like symtoms right now and yeah hitting the vape definitely cured my nausea and the runs too.. Definitely toke up it made me feel better too.
  5. haha i told them we could use different pieces but they were cool with just burnin the mouth piece after i hit it everytime
  6. I was sick aroudn new year and yeah, smoking made me feel better and relieved me from most of symptons, i even kept forgetting i was sick most of the times :smoke:
  7. I vape and when I'm sick, it usually makes me feel extremely congested, but better overall.

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