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Smoking while parents are home.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LiteThatBowl, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. How do you smoke while your parents are home?
  2. Well I live not in the house but in the back garden cottage thing. I smoke whenever they're home or not they just don't ever know. I love hitting bong with my kityy's but of course there is differents circumstances and such with others living siutations ^^
  3. You go outside.
  4. with a lighter. :hello:

    but really, if your parents don't want you to be smoking in their house, you shouldn't be smoking in their house. get your own place! or just walk outside.

    that said, vaporizers are much stealthier than smoking, so if you're willing to spend around $100 or more (the cheaper vapes are not worth it), it's a good option. They're useful for apartments as well, in that they won't leave your place reeking of that distinct marijuana smell.
  5. I live in a regular house. I normally smoke outside but wouldn't they be suspicious if I randomly go outside for 10 minutes
  6. Tell them.

    Go on, a dare ya. :smoking:
  7. I smoke on the other side of the house
  8. Smoke outside. Respect your parents rules of the house
  9. Wait till they go to bed and stand on the deck.
  10. I literally just hit my bowl while leaning out the window. Never had any problems with parents coming in after about 15mins and my mum is usually very aware of these sorts of things.

    I usually only smoke when they are asleep though. Every now and then I may take my dog for a walk and smoke while doing that.
  11. Easy. Go do it somewhere else.
  12. Outside amigo
  13. One-hit bowls, a sploof, and a candle. If you do it right, there won't be a smell. If you do it wrong, have fun getting yelled at. Use a ton of dryer sheets. The best sploofs will be packed so full of dryer sheets that you won't even see smoke coming out the other end.

    Or do the obvious and head outside.
  14. I smoke in my garage btw she knows i smoke. But howyou guys questions sound. I think your underage.
  15. I use a sploof and a little pipe and just bombard my room with fabreeze also I exhale out of the window.
  16. Smoke before you shower. Turn shower on, open window, smoke, shower, close window, spray, and your good. You'll smell of soap an shampoo, and all the smoke will be out the window. Pop in some tic tacs, and they'll never know.
  17. When i was living with my parents we had this thing in our basement that sucked radon out of the ground then carried it outside and released it into the air. it was basically a giant vaccum from my basement to the outside world and conveniently went right through my chill out zone. so being crafty i drilled a hole in the huge pipe and put a tube in the hole then i just blew the smoke into the tube and it was carried outside muwahahaha:devious:. When i was done smoking i would plug the hole so we wouldnt all die of radon poisoning and light and incense to take care of any extra smell. worked like magic but that was my fix you just gotta find out what works with your situation/setup or even better move out:D
  18. Don't smoke in your parents house! Very disrespectful
  19. well i just usually sit in my chair and light up. me mum don't care

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