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Smoking when you're sick?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xfactor, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Hi i currently hav some type of flu or bug it sucksssss
    but im rly fucking bored
    I kno weed isnt bad when ur healthy but can I still smoke weed when im sick and my immune system sucks ass?

    im a healthy 18 y/o otherwise so its not like im elderly but still just checking
  2. Meh, I've done it before and it was fine. Made me feel high that was all. I'd rather use a vaporizer if it came to that.
  3. #3 PositiveAttitudeMachine, Sep 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
    Smoking/vaping/edibles all seem to make me feel better when sick ie. No upset stomach, headache, stuffiness in throat/nose reduced etc.
  4. It definitely helps, and you'll forget about being sick too :D
  5. I do it, I blow the smoke out of my nose too. Seems to help dry it up if it's runny.
  6. i honestly throw up if i blaze when im sick :( but its a good t-break i guess
  7. Herb = Cure.
  8. I usually will smoke when I'm sick. But if I am like feeling really shitty or especially If I have a sore throat which is the worst in my opinion, I will try to use a vaporizer or make some fire crackers. Feel better man.
  9. I highly recommend smoking when you're sick. Doctor's orders
  10. Smoking anything will prolong recovery. Your best bet would be make an edible.
  11. being its medication..
  12. It probably won't help your sickness in the long run, but for the time you're high you won't feel very sick anymore. I always smoke when I'm sick, if I have to take off school or work I always sit at home and toke all day haha

  13. Dont vape, if you use MFLB, that shit will make you fucked up unless your like me and you needed the fake cough to get a few days extra off lol!!

    I smoked a bunch when I was sick, and even with bronchitis lol (Not good if your a cougher) (totally made me forget I was sick until it was over haha)

    If your scared about your health then you should stop smoking in general -_- other then that just say fuck it, I smoke either way and do it.
  14. I've smoked many times while I've been sick. I wouldn't recommend smoking with a sore throat, but that's pretty much it. Even if you've got a cough, smoking might be a bit less comfortable than usual, but as soon as you're done smoking and you're high, you'll feel much better.
  15. I smoked when I had a cold once ...just didn't enjoy it felt horrible!

  16. Always use my mflb, sick or not, I don't get fucked up:confused:
  17. I just vape, smoking when I'm sick sucks

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