Smoking Room

Discussion in 'General' started by letsmokeasweet, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. So i have an extra room we are going to use to smoke out in. its just an unused bedroom. does anyone have any ideas how to spice it up some? im not really a good house designer. thanks
  2. glow in the dark posters.
    fog machine.
    one of those lights on top of emergency vehicles, that just spins around, with a black light in it.
    loud music.
    bean bag chairs.
    lava lamps.
    and those cool lamps that have electricity moving around in them.
    thats how i roll :smoke:
  3. posters, hooka, drapes, lava lamps, bongs, pipes, maybe a vape, some sick-as-fuck persian rugs

    and let's not forget

    a LOT of weed :smoking:
  4. there has to be a central area in the room though, like a place where people can get a circle going.

    how big is the room brother?
  5. pics or its not happenin :)
  6. this. They can be expensive, but you can make your own (with like each totaling under 15$). Make it look either futeristic or retro. Lots of sitting room, i'd suggest making it your music room too (if you play any instruments or jam while high) a music source is good too. Don't make the colors of the room too bright.
  7. Ya keep it dark man. It bugs me when I smoke in a white room while the lights on... MAJOR HEADACHE. Rolling with Notre Dam green myself.... not a particular fan of the team.... but it was basicly emrald packaged as "Notre Dam Paint." and cheaper too.

    I have to have dark colours or a split colour room.

    I have a piece of fatty tissue in my right pupil.... basicly when I look around agaisnt a bright solid surface, it looks like theres a hair over my eye(It moves when I look.... so if I look left, it drags across my vision field, coming from the right side.)
  8. Paint the walls black
    Curtains that block all light
    Mini fridge
    Nice TV
    Comfy sofa
    4 hose hookah
    Black light fo sho
    A nice sattalite (spelled wrong ftw) radio
    And last but not least, a car magazine, me and my buddy would spend hours in a jegs book when we were high, dreaming of parts for our trucks.
  9. incorporate a fish tank in there, with some lunar lights. get some cardinal tetras and cobra guppies. they are really colorful and cool to look at.
  10. Try something like this:

  11. #11 foxracing500r, Jan 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2009
    F-ing a!, I forgot about that, my buddy got real into Salt Water fish before he moved, and we would stare at his fish, and gently tap on the tank so the fish could find our finger.

    It was fun, we each would take turns, and call the fish a dumbass when he went the wrong way lmao.

    I miss the simple times in life.

    EDIT::: "Thenightgoes90", That looks gay dude, Im sorry
  12. its a great hobby to get in to.. especially for a stoner such as myself :smoke:
  13. Black lights, comfy ass chairs(beanbags or couches or whatever), cool posters that glow with the black lights, a good system or big screen TV with video games.
  14. ok- if you get anything, you need to get a laserpod.

    I had the exact same idea as you, except I'm trying to make my room the place to chill in, so i knew i would need some sort of cool light, and this is AMAZING. My friend was tripping last weekend and i gave it to him and he said he just stared at it for like, 15 minutes straight, multiple times. Anyways, what i really want to experience is to see the lasers it projects through a smoke-filled room....I can't wait till I move in to my new place.....

    Anyways, try and suspend a cloth or blanket on the ceiling, if there's a ceiling light and you want to use it, it diffuses it really nicely, and may change the color of the room if your cloth of choice is like, red or something.

    A music setup is key also. comfortable sitting areas.....If its small i would almost just put pillows everywhere.

    Then you need a center table, where everyone can put their shit.
  15. blacklights
  16. damm thats alot of good ideas
    its about 12x13ish
  17. get like 1 or 2 black lights, some glow in the dark posters, those star shit things you stick on the wall and they glow in teh dark.....a lava lamp, at least 2 couches, an egg chair.....a nice coffe table, one thats a good size, a night stand for a roll station, a TV + dvd player + game system.

    ummm a mini fridge and a microwave.....bam you got yourself a kick ass fuckin room.

    if you put all that shit in there, the only reason i would leave that room is to go to the bathroom.

    you gatta take pictures of this room so we know what were working with
  18. Lifetime supply of Cheez-its
  19. yea i got my plants set up n a closet so i can grow sum, i got t lil bg screen going, found a $25 denim couch. its really soft and u just sink n2. got the black light and the stars on ceiling. now i wana get a nice lil fridge and sum tables and i think im stright thnlks

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