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Smoking ritual?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Canada Smokes, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Everybody has a smoking ritual. Share yours.

    Mine goes something along this, I get my herb, piece I want to smoke out of, and I put on some chill music or a good movie and I usually start by smoking a joint outside then hitting the bong.

    How is your smoking ritual?

    Best buds for life.
  2. Wife out? Kids out? 3 hours to kill? Pick nug from stash, smell it, break it, bong it, enjoy....ahhhhh.
  3. Pack my bong, smoke my bong haha I like music sometimes but mostly like to just sit out and enjoy
  4. Fill up my water bottle. Sit in the lazy boy. Smoke from the bong.
  5. First light some candles so my place doesn't smell like a cypress hill concert. Put some ice and water in the bong, get comfortable and blast off.
  6. Put on some music, prepare my weed, pack a bowl/roll a joint, smoke and always light an incense after that because it gives me a nice mood when I'm high.
  7. Recently i have been rolling a spliff too smoke on whilst i walk to the local shops - walk usually takes 15-20mins so when i get there all the food looks soo delicious :p. Walk home is always amazing too  :smoke:
  8. Pick a jar. Grind a nug. Blastoff. Music or YouTube videos a must during solo sessions

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