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Smoking out the window

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TattooKilla, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Can someone explain to me why the smoke keeps coming inside, rather than going outside?
    I'm sitting here on the couch by the window, and when I blow a cloud out the window, 20-30% of it come directly back at me, and back inside.
    When I set the bowl on the window sill and the cherry is still burning, all the raw smoke flows inside away from the window.
    I have the overhead fan on inside, and it's mildly windy outside.

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  2. That's how nature works...
  3. Thanks dude.
  4. Your house has a negative pressure.  Setup a positive pressure in the smoking room and you won't have that problem anymore.
  5. the wind is blowing it inside isn't it pretty obvious?? anyways you should put a window fan and make it blow outward then just blow the smoke into the fan
  6. this is what I was looking for. An actual answer and solution. Preesh man
  7. yup you just need to open a second window, that way it blows through, not against.
  8. I usually switch on my fan after am done with my sesh and after like 15 mins there is no evidence/ trail of any smoke. It's not a ceiling fan tho, it's one of those air coolers. 
  9. You could always go back to the stone-age and use a sploof.  Toilet paper roll and dryer sheets lol.
  10. Set a fan up facing out the Window trust me just blow into it and you are set it pulls it all through it and won't come back...ever...

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. this. air pressure in a room is very important. you can have 2 windows, a fan, and an ionezer going but if the air pressure aint right, it will all just blow back in to the room.
  12. The DEA has you all set up don't they? Next thing ya know, your parents smell it, and you get arrested.

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