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Smoking Indoors For Newbies

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mmjman1994, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Hello all,
    Ive been using natural medicine for a few years now, and I think I'll share some tips for all the newbies (and/or veterans) out there who want to smoke indoors without stinking up the house.
    This first tip is BY FAR the single most important piece of info you can take from this thread. BUY A SMOKEBUDDY! The smokebuddy is a small carbon filter into which you blow your smoke, and clean, odorless, smokeless air comes out. Its less than 20 bucks and it's the BEST investment I've made as far as toking tools. My first one lasted me over a year and my second one is 3 months in and running goood as new. Exhale your hit then inhale through the nose and expel one more breath through the smoke buddy.
    Secondly, a small pipe works best. Bongs create a lot of smoke, and oftentimes you can't clear a whole bong rip in one hit, resulting in a plume of smoke stinkin up the house. I myself use a bong but i medicate with BHO wax, which vaporizes almost instantly and is one-hit clearable (if that makes sense lol). When you are 3/4 done with your hit, place your palm over the bowl so that the cherry goes out and no smoke rises from the bowl.
    Well that should do it! Having some smoke odor spray won't hurt either, but if you do it right there will be ABSOLUTELY no smell with the smokebuddy.
    Happy tokin!
  2. That's the correct way to use a smoke buddy! If you're like me you may have to plug your nose
  3. I like when My house smells like weed. One thing about your post, it's pretty damn easy to clear a bong in one rip lol
  4. or you could save $20 and make it yourself in about five minutes
  5. No idea what's going on
  6. i live in a dorm, so if it's shitty out, i stay in and smoke in my room. my roommate is cool with it. if you have sprinklers and a smoke detector in your dorm, cover them up. i put towels over them. i smoke joints so i don't have too much excess smoke, so i blow it out the window. i have fans on the whole time behind me, blowing the smoke out the window. also, i have febreeze, just in case the RA decides to come sniffing around. be smart when you smoke and you'll be fine, youngins!
  7. Yea the smokebuddy works awsome, especially compared to a shitty homeade contraption like a toilet paper roll packed with dryer sheets. I find it best when smoking from a bong to just put small amounts at a time in the bowl so A. you can make sure you clear it and B. make sure all the weed gets burnt and the bowl does not smoke.

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