Smoking in the house...

Discussion in 'General' started by ReyesClan3, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. My wife and I smoke in the bathroom of our small apartment, with our son in the other room, typically in the living room or in his bed. But now we're worried about if he's coming into contact with the smoke and getting a buzz himself. Some information would be great.
  2. Ya, go outside like the garage. Probably better while he's sleeping or not home at all. He can walk in on you, or the smoke can go right from the air vents, not enough to get him stoned but 2nd hand smoke is 2nd hand smoke.
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  3. #3 killset, Mar 31, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
    As a father/stoner/grower careful smoking in other rooms. Children are extremely smart and observant. Some are very talkative. Don't know the age of the child but if they can talk, they can spill the beans. They don't have to know exactly what you're doing to fill someone else in either. Mommy and daddy coming out of a stinky, smokey room makes an interesting story to share. If the child's not talking yet, soon they will be
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  4. First off, I used to give drug test at work. We allowed so much to be in a persons system because they could have been at a party and someone lit up and as a company, we could not pass judgement on something the employee may not have known was going to happen. The level would be so low that it would indicate second hand smoke. The next thing I will tell you is that he could be getting a contact high, depending on how often you smoke, how small the apartment is, is there only one bathroom? The third thing I will tell you is, when my daughter was in the second grade, she is 30 now, she turned me IN! to her teacher. Who called social services, who came to my house, now I was a professional, I made great money, and I took the best care of my kids. We joke about it now, not then. Now that was 22 years ago or so. I asked them for a warrant, they did not have one. I told them she was 7 and how would she know what it was unless someone coached her? so what were they doing at my house? Think about this. Schools encourage children to tell them things, sometimes it's true sometimes they make stuff up just to please those teachers who probably did the same thing. You may want to change the place that you do this.....just saying, some experience, some advice, you do not want the police to show up, kids say the darndest things.
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  5. I wouldn't worry about the 2nd hand smoke, blowing it out the window or turning on an exhaust fan should be good enough. I think you could have a bit more self control and wait till he goes to sleep to enjoy your toke. Leaving him in another room while his parents scamper of to get high doesn't seem like the greatest idea too me.
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  6. Its an even worse idea to post that your doing this with a picture of yourself in the avatar. Put the kid first. If you have to get high, how bout one at a time?
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  7. Priorities, man.:coolalt:
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  8. Our son is put first, and he is our priority. Just because we take a hit doesn't mean we're getting stoned out of our minds. It's nothing worse then drinking a beer after a hard days work.

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  9. Its very different when smoke and living quarters are involved.
  10. And that's why I'm asking for advice.

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  11. I think the best advice is to go outside with the smoke. My father smoked ciggs in the house from birth to 5 years old ( this is when my parents got divorced). I have had a lifetime of respiratory issues directly related to him smoking inside. It may be nothing to you to inhale smoke, but to developing lungs it can really damage them. Sorry for getting on you, its just a sensitive issue for me. Be safe man.
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  12. Forgot to quote ya.
  13. Not unless he's in the bathroom. My friend smokes with his 1 year old daughter. It's fucked up.
  14. Thank you for your advice. It's much appreciated.

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  15. We have the basement reserved for smoking. There's good ventilation. During warmer mos we're outdoors anyway. But if you're worried about the little one catching a second hand buzz, it isn't going to happen. So better safe than sorry, yes. But don't fret too much. The physics and chemistry just don't support it.

    I was thinking you could use the bathroom exhaust fan, but that would kind of advertise what you're doing to the neighbors. :/

    Also we're older. We don't smoke herb like cigs. A few puffs and then on to other business. A cigarette burns for 5-10 mins. That's just more smoke/irritant in the air in general.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  16. Buy a vape and do it when he's asleep. You don't want child services involved.
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  17. As someone who was raised by a stoner mom and neglectful dad, the smoking indoors isn't really a problem, but isolating parents from children can be. Contact high will be practically nonexistent unless the room is boxed and plumes of smoke drift out of the room. Concerned parents IMO should be as open and transparent about their actions as possible if they feel a divide will be wedged between the living spaces. One thing I wish my mom would've done differently is openly communicate her habits. Much of my life was kept I'm the dark, and that lead to a lot of distrust in my experience of living at home.

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