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Smoking in a hotel room

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hoverboard08, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Hey all Im going on a trip with some buddies and we are staying at ahotel and picking up some dank shit down south where we are staying. I just wanted to ask you guys if you think it will be okay if we smoke in the room. We will be in the bathroom with a towel covering the bottom of the door and i was thiking of bringing some incense and ciggs and shit to cover it up. And it will be in a smoking room too if that helps. What do you guys think? Bad idea? Good idea?

    oh and how much do you guys pay for a half O of regs? jw

  2. Yeah you'll be straight. Towel under the door, smoking room...all is good.

    Half o of good middies around my way usually goes $60-100 depending on whether you're getting middled or not. So anywhere in that range and your good.
  3. yeah ive done it before. the room smelled awfull of cig and weed in that room lol.

    and a half o
    if u get it straight 40-50
    get it from a hs kid 50-70
  4. oh shit okay well Im paying 50 for a half O of regs. Just sound super cheap to me idk. Thanks you deff made some worries go away :p and Im gonna use a paper towel roll with laundrey sheet things as well haha.
  5. does the hotel have a balcony?
  6. well i thikn youll b str8 but bring some odor killing spray like fabreeze or that clorox odar killin shit. it works perfect cause it kills the smell and makes tha room smell as if u didnt at all
  7. Balcony definitely a good option.

    If using a bathroom, run the shower on hot. The steam absorbs pretty much all of the weed smell.
  8. Just get a smoking room and towel the door. The smell of weed dissipates pretty quickly.
  9. Yeah me and my friend stayed in Vegas and we would sit next to the door and take a bong rip and just blow it out the sliding glass door,so there wasnt very much smoke in the room at all,we just would light some matches and that would over power the smell that was left in the room.But when we would leave and come back in the room you could definetly smell the bud,we brought like almost a half of master kush and a little more than an 1/8 of bubba kush.Talk about a fun experience.
  10. theres this stuff you can buy at home depot or whatever hardware store your by. its a sort of .... i have no idea how to explain it. like a rubbery thing that you stick in all the cracks of your door. makes it air tight. check it out
  11. Best investment for the traveling stoner is a vaporizer! Not only is it healthier, but it gets you higher, saves bud, doesn't smell, stealthy, and gives your pot double life by being able to make edibles with the duff. However there is no vaporizer as conveinent and stealth as a spliff, but some come close... And vaporizers are a great symbol that pot smokers are very health oreintated. Go Vaporizers!
  12. Yeah for sure!people will smell it and think you have popcorn rather than weed hahaha.
  13. Vape heads poppin up everywhere :D

    I prefer my high to come in smoke form.

    I'm just speaking out of my ass though. i've never hit a vape. Which i just realized is ridiculous. Been smoking for what feels like sooo long.
  14. If it's a smoking room why dont you just open up the window and blow it in that direction? And a half o of regs is like $20 here
  15. Oh man you should for sure,definetly cool.Although I too prefer a bong or pipe its still cool to switch it up,my friend has one and it tastes and smells like pop corn.
  16. I wouldn't really worry about what the room smells likes or if it smells, just throw a "do not disturb" sign up when you leave the room for a few hours. I would just be concerned about smoke detectors but I'm sure you'll have that all taken care of.
  17. Balcony a bad idea unless you are on the top floor. Better to keep all the smoke indoors so nobody around smells and rats you out.

    Cigs are the best to mask the smell before letting the maids come clean the rooms.
  18. I think you're pretty much straight wherever you stay unless your staying somewhere fancy really. Has anyone ever been hassled for smoking in hotels? I travel with a club sports team and we stay at hotels very frequently and blaze even more frequently in them. We've had some pretty intense sessions with many members of the team even in non smoking rooms and we just usually try to keep a towel under the door or at least the door shut and windows closed and make sure a wet towel is over any smoke detector. You really dont need to be relegated to the bathroom when you have nice comfy beds and ppv that you could invite to your smoke sesh.
  19. #19 acidraindrips, Oct 14, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2008
    $20? Twenty dollars? for a half zone. I don't think so and I don't care where you live. This is ridiculous. Unless you like brown weed chocked full of seeds and dirt, then twenty dollars won't buy you shit. If this is your regs, whatever that means, then I am afraid you are smoking some beasters. This "I get my weed cheaper" mentality is what is dragging the city down. Sorry for the rant, but this is some bullshit for sure unless you are smoking mech, then I apologize.

    Oh and you should be straight for smoking in the room. Ozium is the a very good odor neutralizer and you can pick this up at any gas station or car wash for 3 bucks. This stuff just pulls the smoke smell out of the air. It's ridiculous. peace
  20. i have hotboxed a two bedroom suite at the Venetian in las vegas with three of my close friends

    the white smoke from weed did not set off the fire alarm

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