smoking in a homemade sauna (is anything better?)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TheQuestionMan, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. When I say sauna i mean shower that's turned up all the way to the point where steam has filled the room. Any better places in your home to smoke? 

  2. Ya plenty of places...

    Sitting on my couch.
    In my recliner.
    On my bed.
    In the back yard...
  3. Just be careful that the moisture from the steam doesn't ruin the paint on your bathroom walls. I would do that but I was told that that's what would happen.
  4. A hot steamy bathroom is not quite my forte for a smoking enviornment.
  5. That's like the worst way to smoke.  Very uncomfortable and too hot, at least if you ask me.  Much rather just smoke by the window or on my couch.
    The whole "homemade sauna" thing is a tremendous waste of energy, waste of clean water, and a waste of time.
  6. Only thing better would be with her in there

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