Smoking Games You Invented

Discussion in 'General' started by psychoperson25, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. I'll start.

    Required materials

    1. Weed
    2. A pipe(not a bong)
    3. lighter
    4. Jenga game
    5. 3-4 stoners

    Okay so the rules are extremely simple. Before your turn to take a jenga block off you take a hit. So it is a normal rotation but as you play jenga and your tower gets less and less balanced. You get more and more high.

    Also at the end it always has to devolve into building things out of the jenga blocks.

    What smoking games have you guys invented?

    (even though mine isn't an amazing idea it is fun)
  2. 1. get really high - taking multiple hits with multiple friends

    2. staring at clouds

    3. saying what you see in the clouds

  3. Simple is sometimes the best:D
  4. #4 Philosiraptor, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
    Smokopoly. You just grab an eighth, monopoly, a toking tool, and some friends. Alright, Let's play!

    It's really just playing Monopoly while smoking because monopoly is a long and boring sober but nearly everything is fun while high. Maybe even monopoly, or should I say SMOKOPOLY. :cool:

    Wait a min. Mono. Poly. They are the opposites. so Monopoly... woah!
  5. A) Smoked weed
    B) Do anything and it turns into a game

    But I race myself against other cars to certain points when I drive high, but they don't know that I'm racing them.
  6. A few expat friends and I like to play a little smoking game here in China.

    1.) Get high.
    2.) Watch Chinese opera on the TV.
    3.) Laugh.

    It's difficult at first, but once you get step 1 down the rest kind of just falls into place.
  7. Basically, a cannabis twist on quarters:

    What You Will Need:
    1.) Marijuana
    2.) A smoking utensil of your choice (there are different rules for blunts and jays)
    3.) A shot glass, or a key ring (shot glass for intermediate and faster gameplay, a key ring for advanced shooters)
    4.) Quarters or nickels (dimes and pennies when using the key ring)

    How to Play:
    -With pipes/bongs/steamrollers
    Load the marijuana into the smoking apparatus, and set it off to the side. Place the shot glass/key ring in the center of the table. All players grab for the quarters (or whatever change is being used) and start shooting. There is no order of play, just a free-for-all for the pipe. If a coin bounces to you off a missed shot, you can take the coin and immediately shoot or hoard it for later (we always try to have at least 20 coins in play in a group of five people). Whoever makes it into the shot glass/key ring first gets to take the first hit from the smoking apparatus, and it can be as small or as big as they wish, so long as they only take the one hit and finish it. After that one hit, they are out of the game until somebody else makes it into the shot glass/key ring, then they may start shooting coins.
    Now, there is the matter of stealing a shot. If the person who made it into the shot glass/key ring is in mid-hit and somebody else makes it into the shot glass/key ring, they can then steal the rest of the hit from the person currently hitting, regardless of whether or not they have even inhaled any smoke.
    This game continues until the bowl is cashed, or until you all decide to stop smoking (multiple bowls are always allowed).

    -With a joint or a blunt
    The same rules as above apply in the manner of shooting, but as opposed to one hit at a time, whoever makes it in the shot glass/key ring can smoke the joint/blunt for as long as they please until somebody else makes it into the glass/ring, so long as they keep the cherry lit.

    This variation is much easier, however, more weed is wasted, especially if you're a horrible shot and one person is essentially smoking the whole joint/blunt because nobody can land a shot.

  8. Mind = blown.

  9. [​IMG]
  10. There were three of us and my friend had us take one hit off a joint and pass it, holding in the smoke until the j came back to you.

  11. That's called 'Traffic lights'
    Urban Dictionary: traffic lights
    The first one is hilarious and gross at the same time.

  12. My buddies and I always called it Baseball, since we almost always smoked in groups of four, and every hit was like rounding the bases.

    First guy - First base
    Second guy - Second base
    Third guy - Third base
    Fourth guy - Home run!

    Of course, we were always using a bong, so it was more fun when we got to see who ghosted the most at the end.

  13. Is there anything else you could replace step 2 with? How about Spanish soap-operas or Swedish porn (I have no idea what that blonde said but am sure it was probably nasty as hell)

  14. Spanish novellas are some of the best things to watch whilst high. I honestly think I got too involved in this one novella about school kids or something random like that.
  15. Get baked and play rock paper scissors. fuckin epic:smoke:
  16. fuck yeah play that shit for front seat in the car wit my friends haha
  17. toss the blunt
  18. This is a game me and my friends made up and should only be played with 3 - 4 close friends and a decent amount of low quality nug.

    What you need:
    4 - 5 grams of mids.
    A six sided dice.

    Everyone takes 2 hits before the game starts just so there are no crybabies.

    Whoever threw down the most goes first and starts hitting the pipe, he is allowed
    to keep hitting it as much as he wants until someone rolls a 6 , 2 or a 1.

    Everyone rolls the dice one time in clockwise fashion except the person hitting the weed.

    If you roll a 1, you get to become the smoker.

    If you roll a 6 you can choose to let that person continue smoking, or choose another person to become the smoker(besides yourself). You can only become the smoker by rolling a 1.

    If you roll a 2, the first person to put the middle finger in the air gets to take a single hit away from the smoker before the game continues.

    The smoker usually doesnt even get more than 3 - 4 hits because of how fast paced the game is. People in the circle roll that dice fast like a well oiled machine!
  19. 1. joint or blunt
    2. 3 + friends
    3. when almost roached whoever has the roach yells star wars and the last person to say starwars after that gets burned with the roach

    other game

    Smoke a roach forever

    who ever can't hit the roach or lets it go out has to either get hit by everyone else or eat the roach(not just swallowing it straight up chew it)
  20. thats funny we call it baseball too but here it's most commonly known as chicago.

    I couldn't tell you why but all the stoners I met know it as chicago as well and if they dont they know it as baseball... but like 70% know it as chicago

    I'm guessing it must of started there or something thats the only thing that makes sense to me but maybe im just missing something lol

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