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Smoking Everyday?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dr Kush, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. I realize a job is a way to smoke everyday..... but how do you afford to smoke everyday?
  2. Depends on how much you're smoking and where you live, nah what i mean? Personally I work to supply not only my habit but my life, so the way i afford to smoke is the same way i afford to eat :)

    Not that it matters but i smoke like 2 g of dank a day.
  3. Im on disability.

    Smoke weed everyday now when im not out.
  4. saved up a grand last year and planned to take 6 months off work and just focus on college and smoke weed, i have used up $400 and have 2 months left in the semester, so I'm sure $600 will last me till two more months, than I'll work and no college.

    Smart life, I've never liked working and going to college on the same day anyways.
  5. Grow it. I spend $100 on supplies (including electric) for a ½lb of weed, that's $12 an ounce.
  6. I look at all my predictable expenses for the month (rent, gas, food) and set aside money for that.

    The next amount goes towards outstanding balances on any bills I might have.

    Then I take another chunk of money and put it towards an emergency fund.

    A fourth amount will be kept as allowance for purchases and meals that I don't want to have to think about, like if I'm out with a friend or family member.

    A fifth amount towards savings for hobbies that aren't immediate, like trips that I want to go on this summer.

    Everything after that is fun money, which I still have to make choices about. If I know I'm going to be dry in the next week, then I'll re-up to an oz. or so, then I don't have to worry about that. If I'm good on weed, then it can go towards dumb things I don't need. I don't give myself the option to let any money that I actually need to go towards weed.

    tl;dr Grow your own weed.

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