Smoking concentrated THC e-liqiud with a vape. Works in public places... Future of Smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by user, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. #1 user, Jul 25, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Anyway just to note I am currently smoking some right now, it's allot stronger than having your classic joint or even bong hits as you only need like 2-3 to feel the effects of a joint (depending on tolerance). Besides that, it's odourless and the taste is just of the previous e-liquid and smells just like your average vape. Now if you think about it like this; it is kind of crazy since the whole 'Weed should be legalised' phrase everyone goes on about wouldn't apply to anyone smoking it via a vape... Even if people caught onto it, what could legal enforcement do if cannabis is just consumed by your average vaporiser and can't be determined without testing or trying it? (If by some chance an officer was to decide and try it, they wouldn't feel the effects until around ten minutes or so after ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) There is also an enormous amount of people vaping nowadays, i'm certain authorities wouldn't be able to control a substance like this.

    This was just something that came to mind while smoking it just now, but I would love to hear your thoughts and especially of those who have vaporised weed in a liquid form (like your average vape e-liquids) and what it was like for you.

    - user
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  2. ive never tried it but ive been thinking about making my own thc juice too. the odorless part i think is the best reason.
  3. Yeah a friend of mine makes normal juice and he says it's quite easy to do but i'm not too sure with the additional thc in there... and good luck with it man, I think the fact that it is simply odourless will be a reason allot of people will want to buy it. By the way if you do it right it is much more potent than normally smoking weed, so you should warn people before they use it... some people who don't have a strong tolerance nor simply smoke weed as much could freak if they use it like a traditional vape though...
  4. Instead of smoking concentrated THC e-liquid why not simply vape wax and be done with it? It's already as concentrated as it gets.
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  5. How do you make this "juice," and how do you ingest it?

    I'm old and dumb and don't know anything about e-cigarettes, but do know how to vape weed.
  6. Well it is your average Vape that's used for smoking normal e-liquid; however I'm not sure that it works with wax, but i think it needs to be in liquid form to be able to be vaporised.
  7. Too complicated, and also expensive .. lol

    Just stick with edibles. Can't go wrong with edibles, in terms of stealth.
  8. I am unaware of how to specially make it, but you have to liquidise the weed (read up some forums online this is possible with grain alcohol and other methods) then the rest of the contents is what you use for normal vaporisers I guess. And you just fill it up, click the button and inhale; the longer you hold it in the more it seems to take effect it seems.
  9. It's actually pretty cheap for how much you get... 12ml worth will last a 3-4 weeks with responsible use and if you are just having to buy the liquid and not make it, your only task is to fill it up, screw it back on and vape. Doesn't seem too complicated to me but all to their own i guess :)
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  10. ah... I seem to forget that I live in a country where weed is illegal.
  11. Well I'm from the United Kingdom so not really getting this stuff legally :D But there are always people that know how to make this stuff; whether it's in legal environments or non... but i do believe soon this thc e-liquid will begin to circulate around and pick up a bit more attention. Anyway thanks for the replies and interaction with the post. Also you are from the states?

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