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Smoking bleach?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iKb, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. #1 iKb, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Hey GC.

    Well my mate got really really paranoid the other day, and decided to completely wash out my bong with bleach.. :mad:

    What I want to know is, can I still smoke out of it? Or will the bleach make it unusable?

    The bong I have is a cheapish acrylic bong, and the metal pipe thing that comes out of the bong where the weed goes into has turned whiteish.. :confused:

    There is NO way to clean acrylic, as it absorbs resin and all other striong solvents will melt away the plastic. I once rinsed my acrylic with alcohol and it stained the inside and melted through. DONT DO IT

    Edit: fixing typos, i was typing fast so you dont go kill yourself

  3. Could I use the metal pipe out of it and make a makeshift bong out of a bottle?


    Nah, I'm not that stupid.. I just wanted to check with you guys first. Thanks for the fast reply though :)
  4. Eh, me i wouldnt, but rinse it THOROGHLY, then let it sit in isopropyl for a couple hours and rinse the same way.
    I would just get a cheapo glass piece until you can save up for something that wont get messed up so easily.
  5. Ah, if you aren't too sure about it, then I'll just leave it and wait till I can next go into town and buy one.

    Thanks for your help mate, I appreciate it :)
  6. Your welcome, just lookin out for my fellow blades, i know some of the kiddies aroud here attempt some stupid shit(not accusing you of being a kid)
  7. tell your friend to buy you a new one :bongin:
  8. Ah it was only a £8.99 one. I was going to buy a nice glass one sometime soon so I'm not too bothered.
  9. Im not sure about the plastic/bleach combo.

    But I would think that the metal downstem/slider should be fine. At my work we use diluted bleach water to clean off all the surfaces because bleach evaporates with extremely little residue.
  10. just wash it and scrub it allot with just water. And tell your buddy to use rubbing alcohol next time ;)
  11. When you get glass, dont use bleach, CLR, or white vinegar on it, because those will remove labels, paint, and fumes. Just letting you know for future reference.
  12. I wouldn't use it. Especially if it's an acrylic.

    What I want to know is what your friend was smoking that made him so paranoid.

  13. One of our mates got arrested about a week ago, and he's been really paranoid about smoking and previously smoking and thinks he is going to get arrested for having a used bong.

    The guy who got arrested was released and is basically in the clear. He got caught having one hash joint on him so nothing really happened.

    Ah well, life goes on so lets get high :hello:
  14. Say you have a resin filled glass bowl. If you let it sit in bleach, then let it soak & rinse it out thoroughly, but some resin remains in the pipe, is the bowl safe to smoke from?

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