Smoking and Xbox Live

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Grossydabossy, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. Who elses gets high and plays XBL?whats your taggg?
    XBL Tag: grossdaboss

  2. Hell ya man its so fun...

    My tag is II ABSOIUTE II

    but im out of time right now :(, Im making like 400 brownies soon, so once I give those away to some people ill be able to afford another card.
  3. ReDeeMeR043
  4. I do most of the time, It would be alot but I have no good games currently because Im waiting for all the new upcoming ones to be released. My tag Is GL0K9 --(its a zero) And if you need a trial I have a few spares pm me if you want it.
  5. ps3 :cool: i love playing some call of duty though
  6. try trippin and playing xbox live.....go ahead, try it :D
  7. Love playing my 360 high, but i've been dry for a week. May get some weed tomorrow, if not i'll buy some Spice (IT'S GOOD SHIT) I NEED to play ODST high lol.

    My gamertag is BloodBong333 if anyone wan'ts to play Halo, Battlefield '42/BC and MW2 when it's out.
  8. i thought you had to be high to play xbox live?

  9. Yes. Because if i'm not high, my 360 doesn't work :p
  10. hit me up sometime my gt:TookOurJobs420:smoking:

  11. You mean TuurrrkkArrrrrrJuuuuuurrrrbs420?
  12. [ame=]YouTube - South Park - Durka Durrr They took err jerb !!![/ame]
  13. South Park FTW!
  14. Fuck yeah! I love to set up my da buddha and rip while I snipe some bitches!!

    Gamertag: UnluckyClov3r
  15. Op: i like your sig

    But when im high as shit idk i just cant focus enought to play xbl....but i do enjoy watching my friends play if that counts..

  16. nope does not count :(
  17. hell yeah


    everyone that gets modern warfare 2 hit me up!
  18. Yep I do

    onewelchone on XBL hit me up!

    looking for ODST players!
  19. I love XBL and I just cleared out room on my friend list. I got a lot of games and my gamerscore is 79k. So hit me up if you wanna play or boost achies.
    Nikotine 666

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