Smoking and Programming

Discussion in 'General' started by HighGrowMan, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. I've been a long time smoker and a long time programmer. I used to never smoke when I was going to program, but then as time went on and I just smoked more often, I just started having to do both. However, I just find that I'm not in the mindset to do a lot of programming when I've been smoking.

    I wonder if anybody else has any similar experiance?

    Once I'm ready to move onto a new area, or do visual layout, or graphic design, or shit like that it's all good. But when it's just about bug searching and fine tuning, then i find it very difficult to stay on task and be interested in it.
  2. working with c++? XHTML and html is pretty easy to code while high for me
  3. my friend always tells me how she loves programming and doing math high. personally, i tried video editting while on mushromos and it didnt work at all. i wasnt able to grasp the concept of the timeline more than half an hour into the trip, speant 4 hours trying to get a single clip to play inreverse double time and then realized i had speant 4 hours doing nothing but staring at the screen and gettin frustrated.

    high, no problem at all. i do my best work high.
  4. Retroshark's statement about spending way to much time trying to get something to work, is pretty representative of how I program when I'm high.

    It is very fun to program while your high, cause you have to really immerse yourself in what your doing; and i think in the long run, your programs will be way better, but I think it just makes me anal about things. But it also can make it difficult to conceptualize what I need to do, and I end up staring at the screen thinking more than programming.

    When I'm not high, or haven't smoked in a while, I can just write the program, with an intended outcome. When I'm high I have to kinda go with what I want to do at that moment.
  5. yea, i hate when im trying to write a simple program, and i toke up and end up writing something lik osx 10.5. really annoying shit
  6. Haha, exactly. Those guys at apple must smoke the green like mad.
  7. yea, seriously... widgets??? whoever came up with that one probably got aan 8r of steve jonbs personals.
  8. yea..i know a little .Net and a little bit of C++...

    the only good thing about being high while you are writing anything you dont get as angry..I always hate seeing blue underlines and compile errors :smoking:
  9. I just can't write code for 8 hours a day whether I am stoned or not. Just not me. I'll leave that up to you code monkeys.
  10. For me it's not a question of whether I could do it for 8 hrs a day; if I was involved in a company and my position was just to hack through code all day and find problems and improve efficacy, I would get pretty sick of it.

    But on the other hand if there was a project team, and we were all working together to complete an app, sure I'd put in my 8hrs (or more) in a day. I mean if the app. means something to me, and I helped design it, then I have an interest in making sure it's perfect, but if I'm just fixing the accounting payroll or something, it just doesn't hold interest.
  11. theres nothing I love more then stoned coding. however working with c# and dx10 gets confusing real fucking fast, and I lose my place a lot especially while smoking a bowl

    but visual studio 08 makes it pretty easy to keep track of what you are doing with a built in check list :smoke:
  12. it also helps to have subversion running... so you don't end up messing shit up with your half baked ideas.

    On that note, I just installed VisualSVN server and I've never had such a painless subversion install.

    Granted it is pretty easy to do it manually, but I always have to google for the instructions, because i often have problems getting it to play with apache.

    With this shit, all you do is download it, go through the install wizard, and whamm.

    As for dx10 I'm not a big fan of many of the M$ API's (including dX), I've only had to enter the dx world for directShow, and DirectSound (playing sounds, video's and capturing)
    I really try to stay in Mono capable libraries, have u ever heard of when I want to get into 3d drawing I was hoping to build on those libraries.
  13. Hi

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