Smoking a joint on a packed train... me and my crazy world

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Appocolyptik, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. I went to see Hellogoodbye and Say Anything last Monday night with my mates and got so blazed. It was a great gig but the only trouble was, I didn't have time to spark a doob on the way back home so I was sitting there on the train a little too sober for comfort thinking several things to myself about the evening. There was this girl who I SHOULD have got with but didn't, but her overprotective friends who hate weed made sure a suitable distance was maintained. I went to say goodbye to her and on my way down the carriageway I noticed a young inebriated gentleman smoking a cigarette blatently in the carriageway. Now, bearing in mind the train was PACKED I found this drunken act of his very impressive. So I thought to myself "if this here gentleman can get away with smoking a cigarette... then what can I get away with smoking?"

    That's when the thought hit me, and I said to my friends "I'm going to skin up, and spark up, right here, right now." And naturally they mocked me, saying I didn't have the gohooners to do such a rebellious thing. However, me being me, and buddha being as it is, I whipped out a rizzla and constructed a roach. It was exhlilerating, especially seeing as there was a camera pointing right at me. However, the tobacco was in place, the roach was good, the rizzla was inviting the final ingredient: skunk. So naturally I obliged, filling the half packed rizzla with the earths essence, our good friend marijuana. Soon, with my delicate craftsman rolling fingers, the joint was ready to spark.

    I didn't even hesitate, the lighter flashed into my hand and I sparked it the fuck up and smoked it all. I didn't even stop, I just kept toking and smoking despite the many heads turned in my direction. It was thrilling and made the blaze factor twice as high.

    Some gentleman even said to me"what you tryna do? Hotbox the train?" Haha, it was a top night and that was definitely the thing I'll remember most from it.
  2. Damn dude that's straight up retarded
  3. +1 on the story and the sig
  4. Explain yourself sir

    Why thank you :smoke:

  5. To assume that no one in a packed train full of people has a problem with you smoking is running a pretty big risk of getting busted just because you couldn't hold out another 20 minutes to find a safe spot to smoke. Unless you live in Amsterdam or somethin.
  6. maybe so, but daaaamn. you got bigger balls than me, thats for sure.
  7. I salute you... I thought I had big balls smoking in the bathroom at school.
  8. Thats dip, congrats on not getting pinched
  9. Haha cheers everyone, it shoulda been put on Jackass.
  10. great story telling and good story
  11. That takes some balls. Haha honestly I don't think I could do that.

    How long was the train ride?
  12. Congrats, you got some serious balls. I would have been way to sketched out and thinking about all the ways I could be busted.
  13. +1 for your ruthlessness, bravery, and common sense without getting caught :hello:
  14. Yeah dude. I'd never be able to do that. I don't think people that do things like that are stupid or asking to get caught, I think they're just good at feeling out the situation and deciding if its cool. Nice work. I smoke in my street often but that's nothing even close to the train.
  15. awesome story, made me laugh. I salute you
  16. your one of those cunning general guys you always see in movies pullin off ballzy stunts but in the end you get a huge reward. you analyzed the situation and acted as the environment permitted. you aint no cowardly lion but rather a courageous bear/tiger whichever you choose. i salute you. also you got some good tale tellin skills.
  17. About 40 minutes.
  18. congrats on blowing my mind
  19. nice...I smoked a fatty in the smoking area of SFO

    but I mean wouldnt you bug others? I mean some people dont like smoke? at all

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