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Smokin in the bathroom

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by FuckBeerGetWeed, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I don't have a window in my bathroom, but if I were to run a very hot shower with steam everywhere, turn the bathroom fan on that sucks up the air and exhale into that, would everything be all good?

    What about smell seeping into the hallway, how would you prevent that?
  2. Wet a towel/rag put it under the door, so less smoke can escape. if you can find a way to put wet towels around the outline of the door i dont think anything would escape the room at all.. until you open it. but thats just a pain. Wet Towel under the door is my suggestion
  3. i wouldnt recommend smoking in the shower if you dont have a window. used to be my favorite method, and there is absolutely no smell after IF you have a window.
  4. I wouldn't do it. I did it a few days ago without a window, and my brother smelled it. My set up is like this
    Bedroom > bath/shower area room > tiny room with a toilet (where I smoked).

    He smelled it from my bedroom despite 2 doors blocking the smell.

  5. Aight I'll just stick with doing it in the basement
  6. It depends on a few things though. He went in my room right after I smoked. The smell definitely goes away after a while, so if you have a few hours to yourself then I don't see why it would be a problem.
  7. Dude I dont have a window in my bathroom, and I just blaze and then take a shower and its all gone.
  8. Dude you can do it, trust me I do it everyday. Its called a Jamaican Hotbox :D

    I do this:bongin:

    Then I take a shower and it feels like this :hippie:
  9. Hangin' in the chow line.

    Good Times.

    Towel under the door and blow into the fan. Let the fan run for a while with the door closed after your done. I don't have a window in my bathroom and this works fine. Make sure if you have an AC vent that it's closed.
  10. Here is a short version of my Jamaican Hotbox post copied from a thread I posted in earlier today. I need to find sometime to make put in all the little nuances and make a guide. but here ya go:

    Your in luck OP as I happen to be GC's resident Jamaican Hotbox expert.

    You can do one of two things, either

    A)Use a sploof



    Making a sploof is quick and easy. All you need is an empty toilet paper roll and some dryer sheets. Pack the dryer sheets into the empty roll and then blow the smoke through and your good to go.

    Or you could go with the fun option JAMAICAN HOTBOX!!!!!

    Now to gather your supplies:

    One (1) towel to place under each door of your bathroom doors

    One (1) bottle of your favorite body spray/anti deodorizer


    A smoking utensil of your choice


    Now that you have everything you need go into your bathroom and turn the shower on full blast as hot as it can go. Make sure to point the shower nozzle at the shower floor. This would be a good time to throw on some background music, even if its just a beat, anything will do. Place a towel at the base of the door and push it up in there all nice and tight like, but make sure not to push it under the door, so as not to arouse any suspicion. Close all vents in the bathroom at this time. When the room starts to get slightly hazy lock the door(s) and get to smoking After your sesh turn off the shower, open a window and let it air out for 5 min and give it a quick little once over with that anti deodorizer you brought and then your golden.

    And don't forget to hop in the shower and get wet. Nothing worse then walking out of the bathroom after a shower completely dry and tipping them off you didn't actually shower

    Hope that helps you man and happy toking
  11. Ey man I would be down to help make that guide, considering I Jamaican Hotbox everyday sometimes 3 times a day :smoking:
  12. shrug im getting sad, i used to smoke in the shower constantly and just as i started to perfect it [eyedrops and mouthwash under sink incase of emergencys, figuring out the perfect way to get smell out, etc.] my parents find my bowl and put 2 and 2 together and figure out ive only been showering in my moms bathroom because she has a window and im smoking in there...sadly no more Jamaican Hotboxing for me, because the minute i say "im gonna shower in moms bathroom" its a god damn red flag.

    i fucking hate having a mom who is constantly on my back about weed, and now i have to act sober when i fucking am sober or else she will just start accusing me, its actually starting to annoy me - her looking in my eyes constantly, i cant act tired or else "Im high" just stupid bullshit meanwhile my dad tries to avoid doing things that will cause him to catch me if you get what i mean. he doesnt want to catch me and have to talk about it because he secretely doesnt give a fuck as long as i keep my grades up. :mad:
  13. [ame=]YouTube - Motley Crue-smoking in the boys room[/ame]
  14. i fucking hate having a mom who is constantly on my back about weed, and now i have to act sober when i fucking am sober or else she will just start accusing me, its actually starting to annoy me - her looking in my eyes constantly, i cant act tired or else "Im high" just stupid bullshit meanwhile my dad tries to avoid doing things that will cause him to catch me if you get what i mean. he doesnt want to catch me and have to talk about it because he secretely doesnt give a fuck as long as i keep my grades up. :mad:[/QUOTE]

    hows 9th grade dude?
  15. Dude trust me you dont need a window, the steam will be enough. My bathroom dosent have a window and its fine.
  16. I've done it for 6 years, and now that I'm out on my own I still do it for fun and because of habit.

    it will work if the fan is on good and you're in there for 20+minutes, then I sometimes used a towl to shake and push the air towards the vent. don't forget to blow into the vent as well. i even smoked cigs in there, believe it or not, never got caught once
  17. alright OP it sounds as if its entirely possible without a window. i do the same thing as the majority of this thread. if you need to be extra stealthy i STRONGLY suggest taking a legit shower.
    1) soap and shampoo in hot water covers up smell HARDCORE.
    2) steam from the shower pulls out the odor from the smoke and is pulled through the vent.
    3) k this might just be me, but i've never gotten out of the shower while blazed and felt super lethargic or really "stoned" looking. so it kinda covers the fact that i'm totally ripped, right?
    4) takin a shower while you're high is hella fun.
  18. #18 Boggieman, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011

    LMFAO, maby we should ask you what grade your in. Is this sight full of kids?

  19. Be careful, don't ever get too comfortable, and use extra precautions. Remember, it is not your house. It will suck hard to get caught. There will always be tomorrow, and rather than taking too big of a risk at getting caught, live to smoke another day. Remind yourself that you're in it for the long haul, not just this one high, one time. Also, remember that you are not trying to use the least amount of effort possible to cover up the smell without getting caught -- you are trying to do enough to make sure that regardless of the situation you NEVER get caught. Take extra precautions because you never know what could happen. A little extra work could save your ass numerous times without you even knowing. And believe me, if you get caught, you're definitely gonna be thinking, "Why wasn't I more careful?" a few hours later. Not a good feeling, avoid at all costs (even if it means cancelling your sesh).
  20. So this would still work even without a window? What if my parents go into the bathroom for something like half an hour to an hour later?

    If I spray a shitload of Febreeze should that cover up the smell for some time in case they go in shortly after I'm done?

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